Global Producing Centre for Long-Range Forecast; GPC-LRF Beijing


BCC, designated as GPC Beijing (Global Producing Centre for Long-Range Forecast; GPC-LRF) by WMO in 2006, conducts monthly and seasonal forecasts based operationally on its climate model and provides ensemble prediction products including the mandatory variables such as precipitation, 2-meter temperature, sea surface temperature (for seasonal forecast), 500hPa geopotential height and other upper levels circulation variables (200/700/850hpa wind, height, temperature, etc.) in determined way by ensemble means and in probabilistic way by terciles. Graphical and digital products of GPC-Beijing are available on the BCC website for free downloads; digital data of seasonal forecasts and hindcasts of GPC-Beijing are available on the BCC website for registered user downloads. The digital forecast and hindcast outputs are also sent to the WMO Lead Centre for Long-Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble (LC-LRFMME) and APCC for the operational forecasts every month.

In 2017, CMA was designated as a WMC by WMO and BCC undertakes part of its activities.

Business products

Seasonal Prediction: Issued every month for the following 2 seasons climate anomaly including precipitation, surface temperature, SLP, Z500/Z200, UV850/200, T850, SST, OLR, Snow Depth, Soil Moisture.

Monthly Prediction: Issued 6 times per month for the following 4 10-days and 2 30-days climate anomaly including precipitation, 2 meter temperature, SLP, Z500, UV700/200.

Copyright:© 2005 ~ 2023 Beijing Climate Centre. All rights reserved.      Technical support: zhongyan

address:46 South Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing      Zip code:100081
