LI Qingquan
LI Qingquan(李清泉) Researcher / Doctor of Science / Executive Deputy Director, Laboratory for Climate Studies, National Climate Center / Master Supervisor, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences / Master Supervisor, Nanjing University of Information Technology
1.“National March 8th Red-Banner Pace-Setter” in 2013
2.Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award in 2012
3.First Prize of Marine Engineering Technology Award in 2012
4.Second Prize of the China Meteorological Administration Meteorological Science and Technology Achievement Application Award in 2005
5.First Prize of China Meteorological Administration Meteorological Scientific Research and Technology Development Award in 2004
6.Third Prize of Outstanding Meteorological Science and Technology Paper Award of Beijing Meteorological Society in 2004
7.First Prize of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Outstanding Natural Science Paper Award in 1999
Sept. 1993-Jun. 1996 Doctor, Department of Geophysics, Peking University
Sept. 1990-Jun. 1993 Master, Department of Meteorology, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology
Sept. 1986-Jun. 1990 Bachelor, Department of Meteorology, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology
Nov. 2004-Present Researcher, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration
Oct. 2002-Jun. 2003 Visiting Scholar, Climate Prediction Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Jun. 1998-Aug. 1998 Visiting Scholar, Research Center, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Jul. 1999-Oct. 2004 Associate Researcher, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration
Jul. 1996-Jun. 1999 Assistant Researcher, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration
Climate dynamics; climate modelling, simulation and prediction; monsoon and air-sea interaction
1. Jan. 2017-Dec. 2020 Principal Investigator and Leader of “Experimental Operational Transformation of TESTBED” under the CMA National Key Technology Research and Development Program (YBGJXM (2017)7B)
2. Jan. 2017-Dec. 2017 Principal Investigator of the “Meteorological Infrastructure Resource Pool and Big Data Application System” project supported by the CMA Small-Scale Meteorological Construction Program
3. Jan. 2012-Aug. 2016 Principal Investigator and Leader of the “Research on the Identification and Predictability of Interannual-Interdecadal Variability Signals Against the Backdrop of Global Climate Change”, sub-project 3 of the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (Global Climate Change) Project “Mechanism and Prediction Studies on Interannual-Interdecadal Climate Variability in the East Asian Monsoon Region” (2012CB955203)
4. Jan. 2014-Dec. 2015 Principal Investigator and Leader of the project on the development of “Southwest China Rainy Season Monitoring Standard” supported by the CMA Meteorological Standard Program
5. Jan. 2002-Dec. 2004 Principal Investigator of the project of “Three-Dimensional Global Ocean Carbon-Cycle Circulation Model Construction and Numerical Simulation Studies” supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
6. Jan. 2001-Dec. 2004 Principal Investigator of “Global Air-Sea Coupling Development and Studies for Seasonal Prediction”, a reinforcement project of the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” top priority project “Short-Term Climate Prediction Studies”
7. Jul. 2016-Dec. 2020 Member Investigator and Leader of “Integration, Demonstration and Application of Coupling Technologies for Earth System Modelling”, subproject 4 of the “Research and Development of Multi-Mode Multi-Process Coupling Platform for Earth System Modelling” project supported by National Key Research and Development Program (Global Change and Response) (2016YFA0602204)
8. Jan. 2013-Aug. 2017 Member Investigator and Leader of “Association between Asian Monsoon and Droughts and Floods in South China Against the Backdrop of Global Warming”, subproject 2 of the “Characteristics, Mechanisms, Impact of and Interventions Against Droughts and Floods in South China Against the Backdrop of Global Warming” project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (2013CB430202)
9. Jan. 2010-Dec. 2012 Member Investigator and Leader of “High-Performance Computing Support Software System for Earth System Modelling Studies”, subproject 4 of a National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) project under the same title (2010AA012404)
10. Jan. 2011-Dec. 2013 Member Investigator and Sub-Project Leader of “Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Circulation Model Research and Development and Parallel Optimization Algorithm Studies”, a project supported by China Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest (GYHY201106022)
11. Jan. 2013-Dec. 2015 Member Investigator of “Dynamic-Statistic Combined Objective Asian Monthly-Seasonal Precipitation Prediction Studies and Application”, a project supported by China Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest (GYHY201106022)
12. Jan. 2012-Dec. 2015 Member Investigator of the “Study of the Dynamic Formation Mechanism and Diagnosis Methods of the Northern Hemisphere Annular Modes and Anomalies” Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
13. Jan. 2006-Dec. 2009 Member Investigator of the “Study of Fine-Scale Numerical Disastrous Weather Prediction System and Short-Range Climatic Ensemble Prediction” project supported by the National Science and Technology Support Program
14. Jan. 2003-Dec. 2006 Member Investigator of the “Research on ARGO Data Assimilation and Air-Sea Coupling Process” supported by the Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China
15. Jan. 1996-Dec. 2000 Member Investigator of “Interannual ENSO Forecast Model Research and Development”, sub-project 3 of the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” top priority project “Short-Term Climate Prediction Studies”
1. Zhao Mengchu, Li Qingquan*, Ding Yihui, et al. (2019). “Radiation Budget Change over the Tibetan Plateau based on a Fused Satellite Dataset during 1984-2017.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
2. Li Qingquan, Wang Juanhuai, Yang Song, et al. (2019). “Sub-seasonal prediction of rainfall over the South China Sea and its surrounding areas during spring-summer transitional season.” International Journal of Climatology.
3. Xing Xiaoge, Wei Min, Li Qingquan*, et al. (2019). “Decadal prediction skill of BCC-CSM1.1 with different initialization strategies.” Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 97(3), 1-12.
4. Wang Qingyuan, Li Yan, Li Qingquan*, et al. (2019). “Changes in means and extreme events of sea surface temperature in the East China Sea based on satellite data from 1982 to 2017.” Atmosphere, 10(140), 1-11.
5. Wu Liquan, Li Qingquan*, Ding Yihui, et al. (2018). “Preliminary assessment on the hindcast skill of the Arctic Oscillation with decadal experiment by BCC_CSM1.1 climate model.” Advances in Climate Change Research, 9, 209-217.
6. Wang Qingyuan, Li Yi, Li Qingquan*, et al. (2018). “Comparison between two centennial-scale reconstructed sea surface temperature datasets over the China Seas.” Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 24(4), 448-456.
7. Wei Min, Li Qingquan*, Xin Xiaoge, et al. (2017). “Improved decadal climate prediction in the North Atlantic using EnOI-assimilated initial condition in BCC_CSM1.1.” Chinese Science Bulletin, 62(16), 1142-1147.
8. Tan Juan, Li qingquan*, Wang Lanning, Zhao Qigeng (2017). “Simulation of CFC-11 distribution based on the global oceanic carbon cycle model MOM4_L40 and an assessment of its ventilation capability.” Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2017. 60(2), 174-190
9. LI Qingquan, Zhang Renhe, Liu Yimin (2015). “Improvement of Ocean Data Assimilation System and Climate Prediction by Assimilating Argo Data.” Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 21(2),171-184.
10. LI Qingquan, TAN Juan, WANG Lanning, et al. (2015). “Simulation of the Natural Distribution of Carbon and Nutrients in the Ocean Based on the Global Ocean Carbon Cycle Model MOM4_L40.” Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 58(1), 1-19.
11. Wang Qingquan, Li Yan, Li Qingquan, et al. (2013). “Application of the two different salinity parameterization schemes in the sea ice model.” Marine Science Bulletin, 21(2), 4-14.
12. Li Yuefeng, Xiao Ziniu, Wei Min, Li Qingquan (2013). “Interdecadal Connection between Arctic Temperature and Summer Precipitation over the Yangtze River Valley in the CMIP5 Historical Simulations.” Journal of Climate, 26, 7164-7488.
13. Yan Hong-Ming, LI Qin-Quan, YUAN, LI Chong-Yin (2013). “Circulation variation over the western North Pacific and its association with tropical SSTA over the Indian ocean and the Pacific.” Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 56(4), 382–399.
14. Song Yang, X. Ding, D. Zheng, and Qingquan Li (2007). “Depiction of the Variations of Great Plains Precipitation and Its Relationship with Tropical Central-Eastern Pacific SST.” Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 46(2), 136-153.
15. Ding Yihui, Liu Yiming, Shi Xueli, Li Qingquan, Li Qiaoping, and Liu Yan (2006). “Multi-year simulations and experimental seasonal predictions for rainy seasons in China by using a nested regional climate model (RegCM_NCC) Part II: The experimental seasonal prediction.” Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23(4):487-503.
16. Ding Yihui, Shi Xueli, Liu Yminig, Liu Yan, Li Qingquan, Qian Yongfu, Miao Manqian, Zhai Guoqing, and Gao Kun (2006). “Multi-year simulations and experimental seasonal predictions for rainy seasons in China by using a nested regional climate model (RegCM_NCC) Part I: Sensitivity study.” Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23(3), 323-341.
17. Yue Cai-jun, Lu Wei-song, LI Qingquan (2006). “The impact of initial forced wind on the predictability of the Zebiak-Cane coupled ocean-atmosphere model.” Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 12(1), 67-75.
18. Li Qingquan, S. Yang, V. E. Kousky, R. W. Higgins, K.-M. Lau, and P. Xie (2005). “Features of cross-Pacific climate shown in the variability of China and US precipitation.” International Journal of Climatology, 25, 1675-1696.
19. Li Qingquan, Shi Guangyu (2005). “Simulations of 14C in IAP/LASG L30T63 Oceanic Model.” Acta Meteorologica Sinica., 19(4),436-446.
20. Ding Yihui, Li Qingquan, Zhang Zuqiang, and Zhai Panmao (2005). “Monitoring and predicting ENSO events and sea temperature structure of the warm pool in the western Pacific Ocean.” Global Environmental Research, 9(1), 57-68.
21. Li Qingquan, Zhao Zongci (2002). “Extra-seasonal predictions of summer rainfall in China and ENSO in 2001 by climate models.” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 16(4), 519-532.
22. Li Qingquan, Zhao Zongci, Ding Yihui (2001). “Prediction and verification of the 1997-1999 El Nino and La Nina by using an intermediate ocean-atmosphere coupled model.” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 15(2), 101-120.
23. Li Qingquan , Scott Power (2000). “Responses of a global CGCM to CO2 increase.” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 14(1), 41-60.
24. Li Qingquan, Zhao Zongci (2000). “Diagnostic analysis and verification of prediction of the Tropical Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies during 1997-1998.” Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 7(2), 1-9.
25. Zong-Ci Zhao, Qingquan Li, Lan Yi, Zuqiang Zhang, Zongqun Zhao (2000). “Relationships between ENSO and climate change in China and predictions of ENSO.” World Resource Review, 12(2), 269-279.
26. Shi Yuguang, Li Qingquan (1996). “Propagation of 30-60 day low frequency oscillation and their influence upon the subtropical westerly jet stream during northern hemisphere winter.” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 10(2), 202-214.
27. Li Qingquan, Zhu Qiangen (1995). “Analysis on the source and sink of the kinetic energy of atmospheric 30-60 day period oscillation and the probable causes.” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 9(4), 418-431.
28. Wang Fan, Li Qingquan*, Sun Yinchuan, et al. (2019). “Extreme low-temperature events in Ningxia in winter: characteristics and association with autumn Arctic sea ice anomalies (in Chinese).” Plateau Meteorology.
29. Wu Liquan, Li Qingquan, Ding Yihui, et al. (2019). “Preliminary assessment on the seasonal hindcast skill of the Arctic Oscillation with decadal experiment by BCC_CSM1.1 climate model (in Chinese). “ Climate Change Research, 15 (1), 1-11.
30. Sun Xiaoting, Li Qingquan, Wang Lijuan (2017). “Characteristics of Long-Cycle Abrupt Drought-Flood Alternations in Southwest China and Anomalies of Atmospheric Circulation in Summer (in Chinese).” Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 41 (6), 1332–1342.
31. Yan Hongming, Li Qingquan*, Wang Dongqian (2018). “Spatial-temporal distribution of rainy season in Yunnan and its contributing factors (in Chinese). Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 34(1), 12-22.
32. Li Qingquan, Min Qinghua (2016). “A dialogue with Zhang Renhe: heavy rainfall over southern China in the first half year of 2016 and its relation to the 2015/2016 super El Niño (in Chinese).” Science Bulletin, 61, 2659-2662.
33. Tan Juan, Li Qingquan*, Wang Lanning, Zhao Qigeng (2016). “Simulation of CFC-11 distribution based on the global oceanic carbon cycle model MOM4_L40 and assessment of its ventilation capability (in Chinese)”. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 59(11), 3960-3973.
34. Nie Yu, Sun Leng, Li Qingquan, Ma Lijuan (2016). “Causal analysis of autumn warm and humid climate anomalies in 2015 (in Chinese).” Meteorology Monthly, 42(4), 507-513.
35. Dong Lili, Li Qingquan*, Ding Yihui (2015). “Spatial and temporal characteristics of air temperature over China in spring against the background of global warming (in Chinese).” Meteorology Monthly, 41 (10), 690-700.
36. Li Qingquan, Tan Juan, Wang Lanning et al. (2015). “Simulation of carbon and nutrient natural distribution based on the global oceanic carbon cycle model MOM4_L40 (in Chinese)”. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 58(1), 63-78.
37. Li Qingquan, Wang Anqian, Zhou Bing, et al. (2015). “Major global weather and climate events in 2014 and their causes (in Chinese).” Meteorology Monthly, 41(4), 497-507.
38. Wang Pengling, Zhou Bing, Liu Yanju, Li Qingquan, Wang Dongqian (2015). “Anomalies of ocean and atmospheric circulation in 2014 and their impacts over China (in Chinese).” Meteorology Monthly, 41(4), 489-496.
39. Wang Dongqian, Cui Tong, Si Dong, Shao Xie, Li Qingquan, Sun Chenghu (2015). “Features and Possible Causes of East Asian winter monsoon activity in 2014/2015 (in Chinese).” Meteorology Monthly, 41(7), 907-914.
40. Cui Tong, Wang Dongqian, Li Duo, Sun Chenghu, Li Qingquan, Wang Zunya (2015). “A brief causal analysis of the summer climate anomalies in China in 2014 (in Chinese).” Meteorology Monthly, 41(1), 121-125.
41. Si Dong, Li Qingquan, Liu Yanju, et al. (2014). “Possible causes of the abnormally weak East Asian winter monsoon in 2013/2014 (in Chinese).” Meteorology Monthly, 40(7), 891-897.
42. Fang Yihe, Gong Zhiqiang, Zhao Lianwei, Zhao Chunyu, Li Qingquan (2014). “Objective identification study of the midsummer rainy season in Northeast China (in Chinese).” Chinese Journal of Physics, 63 (20), DOI: 10.7498/aps.63.209202.
43. Zhou Xin, Li Qingquan*, et al. (2014). “Simulation and prediction of air temperature in China based on the BCC_CSM1.1 model (in Chinese).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 25(1), 95-106.
44. Ren Fumin, Gao Hui, Liu Lvliu, Song Yanling, Gao Rong, Wang Zunya, Gong Zhiqiang, Wang Yongguang, Chen Lijuan, Li Qingquan, Ke Zongjian, Sun Chenghu, Jia Xiaolong (2014). “Advances in extreme weather and climate event studies and their operational application in climate monitoring and prediction (in Chinese).” Meteorology Monthly, 40(7), 860-874.
45. Li Qingquan, Sun Chenghu, Yuan, et al. (2013). “Major advances in China's climate monitoring and diagnosis technologies in the last two decades (in Chinese).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 24(6), 666-676.
46. Yan Hongming, Li Qingquan, et al. (2013). “Criteria for determining the onset and end of the rainy season in Southwest China (in Chinese).” Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 37 (5), 1111–1128.
47. Yan Hongming, Li Qingquan, et al. (2013). “Northwest Pacific atmospheric circulation anomalies in the summer and its association with tropical SSTA over the Indian and Pacific Oceans (in Chinese)”. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 56 (8), 2542-2557.
48. Ding Li, Li Qingquan*, Liu Yunyun (2013). “Tropical atmospheric intra-seasonal oscillation with different reanalysis data (in Chines).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 24(3), 314-322.
49. Zhu Chunzi, Li Qingquan*, et al. (2013). “An ensemble summer forecast based on the global atmospheric circulation model T106L26 (in Chinese).”Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences, 36(2), 192-201.
50. Zhang Renhe, Zhu Jiang, Xu Jianping, Liu Yimin, Li Qingquan, Niu Tao (2013). “Argo global ocean data assimilation and its applications in short-term climate prediction and oceanic analysis (in Chinese).” Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 37(2), 411-424.
51. Wang Qingyuan, Li Qingquan, Wang Lanning. (2013). “Numerical simulation of the effects of lateral melting on Arctic sea ice (in Chinese).” Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 25(1), 84-89.
52. Sun Xiubo, Li Qingquan*, et al. (2012). “Analysis of interannual and interdecadal variability of 1960-2009 annual rainfalls in China (in Chinese).” Meteorology Monthly, 38(12), 1464-1473.
53. Liu Yunyun, Li Weijing, Ai Wanxiu, Li Qingquan (2012). “Reconstruction and application of the monthly Western Pacific Subtropical High Indices (in Chinese).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 23(4), 414-423.
54. Wang Yong, Li Qingquan, Shen Xinyong, et al. (2011). “Characteristics of June to July summer rainfall in the Yangtze-Huaihe river basin in the last 50 years (in Chinese).” Scientia Meteorologica Sinica, 31(1), 73-78.
55. Li Huanlian, Li Qingquan*, Wang Lanning, et al. (2010). “Experiment on trans-seasonal numerical rainy season climate prediction(in Chinese).” Scientia Meteorologica Sinica, 30(6), 745-753.
56. Li Huanlian, Li Qingquan*, Wang Lanning, et al. (2010). “Impact analysis of initial matching on summer climate simulation (in Chinese).” Meteorological Science and Technology, 38(2), 152-161.
57. Wang Qingyuan, Li Qingquan, Wang Lanning, et al. (2010). “Differences between the two salinity parameterization schemes in the SIS sea ice model (in Chinese).” Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 22(1), 23-33.
58. Wang Lanning, Li Qingquan, Wu Tongwen (2009). “Numerical study on the influence of difference interpolation methods on the stability of coupled system model (in Chinese).” Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, 32(2), 101-109.
59. Xie Hongzuo, Li Qingquan, Wang Lanning (2009). “Comparative study of long-wave radiation schemes in sea ice model (in Chinese).” Science and Technology Information, 9, 25-26.
60. Tan Juan, Shen Xinyong, Li Qingquan (2009). “Advances in the Study of interaction between carbon cycle and global climate (in Chinese).” Journal of Meteorological Research and Application, 30(1), 33-36.
61. Zhang Liping, Ding Yihui, Li Qingquan, Zhang Lefei (2008). “Research on reinterpretation and reanalysis of climate model prediction products using genetic algorithm neural networks (in Chinese).” Climatic and Environmental Research, 13(5), 681-687.
62. Zhang Renhe, Yin Yonghong, Li Qingquan, Liu Yimin, Niu Tao (2006). “Utilizing ARGO data to improve ENSO and short-term climate prediction of summer rainfalls in China (in Chinese).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 17(5), 538-547.
63. Li Qingquan, Wang Lanning, Xu Ying, Wei Min (2005). “Impact of radiation parameterization schemes on climate modelling and hindcast (in Chinese).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 16 (Supplement), 12-21.
64. Liu Yiming, Ding Yihui, Li Qingquan (2005). “10-year hindcasts and assessment analysis of summer rainfalls in China based on the regional climate model (in Chinese).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 16 (Supplement), 41-47.
65. Li Weijing, Zhang Peiqun, Li Qingquan, et al. (2005). “Research and operational application of dynamical climate model prediction system (in Chinese).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 16 (Supplement), 1-11.
66. Zhang Liping, Ding Yihui, Li Qingquan, et al. (2005). “Approach and test to improve simulated summer rainfall fields of the National Climate Center coupled air-sea model (in Chinese).” Climatic and Environmental Research, 10(2), 209-219.
67. Yue Caijun, Lu Weisong, Li Qingquan (2005). “Effect of initialization impact wind on the predictability of Zebiak-Cane coupled sea-atmosphere model (in Chinese).” Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 21(5), 506-516.
68. Wei Min, Luo Yong, Wang Lanning, Dong Min, Li Qingquan, Xu Ying (2005). “A study of the optimum algorithm of global air-sea coupling model (in Chinese).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 16(3), 408-412.
69. Li Qingquan, Ding Yihui, Zhang Peiqun (2004). “Preliminary verification and assessment of trans-seasonal flood seasons prediction based on global air-sea coupling model (in Chinese).” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 65(6), 740-752.
70. Ding Yihui, Li Qingquan, Li Weijing, et al. (2004). “Advances in seasonal dynamic prediction operations in China (in Chinese).” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 62(5), 598-612.
71. Zhang Peiqun, Li Qingquan, Wang Lanning, et al. (2004). “Development and application of dynamic climate model prediction system in China (in Chinese).” Science and Technology Review, 7, 17-20.
72. Yue Caijun, Lu Weisong, Li Qingquan, et al. (2004). “Advances in the study of Zebiak-Cane coupled ocean-atmosphere model (in Chinese).” Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 20(6), 723-730.
73. Ding Yihui, Liu Yiming, Song Yongjia, Li Qingquan (2002). Research and experiment on the dynamic model system for short-term climate prediction (in Chinese).” Climatic and Environmental Research, 7(2), 236-246.
74. Li Qingquan, Zhao Zongci (2001). “Diagnostic analysis and verification of the prediction of tropical Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies from 1997 to 1998 (in Chinese).” Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 17(4), 355-363.
75. Li Qingquan, Zhao Zongci (2000). “Construction and numerical simulation of simplified NCC air-sea coupling model (in Chinese).” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 58 (Supplement), 790-803.
76. Li Qingquan, Zhao Zongci, et al. (2000). “Forecasts of El Nino/La Nina events from 1997 to 1999 based on the simplified air-sea coupling model (in Chinese).” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 58 (Supplement), 838-847
77. Zhao Zongci, Li Qingquan, et al. (2000). “A study of the simplified interannual prediction model based on the coupled air-sea dynamics in the 1990s (in Chinese).” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 58 (Supplement), 769-777.
78. Zhao Zongci, Li Qingquan, et al. (2000). “Numerical simulation of the impact of tropical western Pacific and South China Sea surface temperature anomalies on summer climate changes in East Asia (in Chinese).” Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 58 (Supplement), 856-862.
79. Li Qingquan, Ding Yihui (1997). “Characteristics of the 1991-1995 El Nino events and their impact on weather and climate anomalies in China (in Chinese).” Climatic and Environmental Research, 2(2), 163-177.
80. Li Qingquan, Ding Yihui, Zhao Zongci (1997). “Numerical simulation study of 1991-1995 El Nino events(in Chinese).” Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 8 (Supplement), 191-200.
1. Li Qingquan, Feng Guolin, et al.. Studies of the Interannual-Interdecadal Climate Variability and Predictability for East Asia against the Backdrop of Global Climate Change. Beijing, Science Press, 2019.
2. Li Qingquan, Wang Dongqian, et al.. East Asian Monsoon Yearbook 2015. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2016.
3. Li Weijing, Chen Lijuan, Li Qingquan, et al.. Modern Climate Operations. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2012.
4. Zhang Qiang, Jiang Zhihong, Li Qingquan, et al.. “Basic Features of the Climate in China”, in Ding Yihui et al. (ed.) Climate China. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2019.
5. Wang Huijun, Li Qingquan, et al. “Regional Response to Global Climate Change and Climate Prediction”, in Ding Yihui et al. (ed.) Climate China. Beijing: Science Press, 2011.
6. Li Wenli, Chen Deliang, Zhao Zhenguo, Lin Zhaohui, Zhang Peiqun, Li Qingquan, Shi Xueli, and Sun Chenghu (2007). “Seasonal to Interannual Climate Prediction”, in Wang Shaowu and Li Weijing (ed.) Climate of China. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2007, pp.288-322.
7. Zhou Guangsheng and Li Qingquan. “An Overview of Forecasting Methods”, in Ding Yihui et al. (ed.) Assessment on Environmental Evolution in Western China. Beijing: Science Press, 2002.
8. Li Qingquan, Zhao Zongci (2000). “Research on Initialization of Simplified Air-Sea Coupling Model”, Research and Development of Dynamic Models for Short-Term Climate Prediction Operations. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, pp.336-341.
9. Li Qingquan, Ding Yihui, et al. (2000). “Global Sea-Air Coupling Model Hindcast Test and Studies”, Short-Term Climate Prediction System General Assembly and Commercialization Test and Studies. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, pp.382-405.
10. Zhao Zongci, Li Qingquan, et al. (2000). “Study of Interannual Variation of ENSO Prediction Model”, Research and Development of Dynamic Models for Short-term Climate Prediction Operations. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, pp.323-335.
11. Ding Yihui, Li Qingquan (2000). “ENSO and Western Pacific Warm Pool Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Monitoring and Prediction”, Climate Change and Prediction Studies. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, pp.59-61.
12. China Meteorological Encyclopedia-Basics of Meteorological Science. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2016.
13. China Meteorological Encyclopedia-Meteorological Forecasting and Prediction. Beijing: China Meteorological Press, 2016.
14. Dictionary of Geoscience. Beijing: Science Press, 2017.
15. Li Qingquan, et al. “Ocean Storage”, in Bert Metz et al. (ed.) IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
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