Organized by BCC, Workshop of Preparatory Consultation on Climate Trend in Flooding Season 2011 was held on 22 March 2011. Nearly 40 experts from BCC, IAP/CAS, PKU, PNU, NUIST, SOA, NMIC, NSMC, CAMS, Shanghai Typhoon Institute and
As the preparatory meeting of National Consultation Meeting on Climate Trend Prediction in Flooding Season 2011 to be held from 30-31 March 2011, the workshop mainly focused on monitoring and diagnosis of monsoon and mid-high latitude atmospheric circulation, diagnosis analysis of global oceanic condition and its impact on China’s climate in flooding season, monitoring and diagnosis of land surface and snow ice and its impact on China’s climate in summer, model ensemble prediction and test prediction by combination of dynamical and statistical method, prediction of tropical cyclone frequency in SCS and Northwestern Pacific. A provisional prediction was made by the workshop as a basis for the success of the national consultation meeting next week.
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