Beijing Climate Centre (BCC) was established in 2003 by China Meteorological Administration on the basis of its National Climate Center, to better perform its functions as a WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC). Designated as a WMO RCC in RA II (Asia) at EC-LXI in June 2009, BCC undertakes the obligation of delivering climate services to neighboring and surrounding countries in Asia and the international climate community in general.
BCC incorporates functions as a WMO East Asian Monsoon Activity Centre (EAMAC, since 2006), a WMO Global Producing Centre for long-range forecasts (GPC, since 2006), and a Centre for Extreme Events Monitoring in Asia (CEEMA, since 2010).
As an RCC, BCC organizes and coordinates research efforts on regional climate, operational predictions and climate application and services, among others. It also provides climate services to China and other Asian countries for disaster prevention and mitigation and for socio-economic development. BCC has been making significant progress in the following activity areas: operational long-range forecasts, climate monitoring, data services, use of regional climate products, training on service delivery, research on climate and climate change, as well as capacity building. BCC is also engaged in climate data management and rescue for RAII, and involved in the International ACRE (Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth) Initiative to facilitate the recovery of historical surface data in RAII.
Organizational Structure
Main Tasks:
Monitor and diagnose global atmospheric and ocean conditions and significant climate events (e.g. ENSO), with a particular focus on East Asia;
Provide monthly, seasonal and annual updates of global climate predictions and impact assessments, with a particular focus on East Asia;
Research on global and regional climate change, detect regional climate scenarios and develop response strategy options;
Strengthen collaborations between National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHs) on observation, communication and computing networks for data collection and exchange;
Provide climate database and archiving services;
Provide climate products and related services such as interpretation, evaluation, processing, detection and issuance etc.
Overall Goal:
Propose climate research and development projects and coordinate with other Regional Climate Centers (RCCs);
Formulate plans of climate variability, predictability and impact studies in the region;
Develop consistent practices to handle conflicting information in the region;
Develop validation procedures relating to seasonal-to-interannual forecasting products and enhance co-ordinations with other RCCs;
Develop regional models, methods of downscaling and interpretation of global forecast products;
Undertake application research, and assist in the development and application of specific products for various users;
Study the economic value of climate information.
Friendly link
Links to GPC websites
Links to NMHSs in RA II
Copyright:© 2005 ~ 2023 Beijing Climate Centre. All rights reserved. Technical support: zhongyan
address:46 South Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing Zip code:100081