XIAO Fengjin
XIAO Fengjin(肖风劲) Professor
Eco-Climate Assessment Division
Beijing Climate Center
China Meteorological Administration
No. 46 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Haidian District, Beijing 100081, China
Tel: +86 10 58995375
E-Mail: xiaofj@cma.gov.cn
Sept.1992-Jun.1996 B.S. in Plant Protection, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China
Sept.1997- Jun.2000 M.S. in Environment Science, Hunan agricultural University, Changsha, China
Sept.2000- Jun.2003 Ph.D. in Ecology, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resource Research, CAS, Beijing, China
1996-1997 Agricultural Science and Technology, Xiangxiang County Agriculture Bureau
2003-2007 Meteorological Disasters Assessment, National Climate Center
2007-2008 Agrometeorology, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps
2009-Present Meteorological Disaster Risk & Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Based on Remote Sensing, National Climate Center
Ecosystem monitoring and assessment: monitoring ecosystem by remote sensing and assessing climate change impact on ecosystem.
Meteorological disasters risk assessment: assessing the impact of meteorological disasters and climate events on ecosystem and risks.
1. “Response Mechanism of Wheat Production System to Climate Change and Its Adaptive Cultivation Approaches”, a 2017-2021 project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China.
2. “Joint Research and Demonstration on Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Forecasting and Risk Management technology”, a 2020-2023 project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China.
3. Leader of the “Research and Application of Satellite Remote Sensing in Climate and Climate Change Operation, a Jan. 2018-Dec. 2018 project supported by National Climate Change Program.
4. “Drought Monitoring and Prediction System”, a 2009-2012 China Meteorological Administration key project.
5. The China Meteorological Administration project of “Operational Projection, Meteorological Disasters Risk Impact Assessment and Zoning”.
6. “Risk Research and Impact Assessment Technology for Major Meteorological Disasters in China”, a 2008-2011 project supported by the Science and Technology Support Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
7. “Comprehensive Assessment Technology for Major Meteorological and Hydrological Disasters Risk”, a 2009-2012 project supported by Science and Technology Support Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
8. “Strengthening Disaster Preparedness in the Agricultural Sector”, a 2007-2009 FAO project.
9. “Capacity of Meteorological Support & Service for Ecological Environment in Disaster-Prone Areas”, a 2018-2019 China Meteorological Administration key project.
10. “FY-3 Meteorological Satellite Data Application in Climate and Climate Change”, a 2019-2020 China Meteorological Administration key project.
1. Xiao Fengjin, and Ouyang Hua (2002). “Ecosystem health and its evolution indicators and methods.” Journal of Natural Resources, 17 (2), 203-209.
2. Xiao Fengjin, Ouyang Hua, Sun Jianghua, and Zhang Zhicheng (2004). “Forest ecosystem health assessment indicators and methods.” Forest Resources Management, 1, 27-30.
3. Xiao Fengjin, Ouyang Hua, and Niu Haishan (2003). “Logical interrelations between ecosystem health and its related notions.” Chinese Journal of Ecology, 22 (2), 56-59.
4. Xiao Fengjin, Ou Yanghua, Fu Bojie, and Niu Haishan (2003). “Forest Ecosystem health assessment indicators and application in China.” ACTA Geographica Sinica, 58 (6), 803-809
5. Xiao Fengjin, Zhou Caiping, and Liao Yaoming (2008). “Dust storm evolution in Taklimakan Desert and its correlation with climatic parameters.” Journal of Geographical Sciences, 18, 415-424; DOI: 10.1007/s11442-008-0415-8.
6. Xiao Fengjin, and Xiao Ziniu (2010). “Characteristics of tropical cyclones in China and analysis of their impacts.” Natural Hazards, 54, 827-837; DOI:10.1007/s11069-010-9508-7.
7. Xiao Fengjin, and Song Lianchun (2011). “Analysis of extreme low temperature events during the warm seasons in Northeast China.” Natural Hazards, 58, 1333-1344; DOI:10.1007/s11069-010-935-6.
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