LIAO Yaoming

LIAO Yaoming(廖要明) Professor

No. 46 Zhongguangcun Nandajie Street, Beijing 100081, China
Tel: 86-10-58991595


Sept.1992- Jul.1996 B.S. in Agricultural Meteorology, China Agriculture University, China
Sept. 1999- Jul. 2002 M.S. in Agricultural Meteorology, China Agriculture University, China
Sept. 2007- Jul. 2012 Ph.D. in Physical geography, Beijing Normal University, China

Work Experience

Sept.1996-Jul.1999 Assistant professor in agricultural meteorology, Tropical Agriculture University of South China
Jul.2002- Sept. 2003 Assistant engineer in climate impact assessment, National Climate Center of CMA
Sept. 2003- Aug. 2007 Engineer in climate impact assessment and weather generator, National Climate Center of CMA
Apr. 2004-Jun. 2004 Study visit to Gothenburg University, Sweden. Research on weather generator under the supervision of Professor Deliang Chen.
Aug.2007-Dec.2019 Senior Engineer, National Climate Center of CMA. Research field: Climate impact assessment, risk analysis of drought, weather generator.
Dec 2019- Present Professor, National Climate Center of CMA. Research field: assessment of climate impact on ecology and drought, weather generator and its application.

Research Fields

Assessment of climate impact
Risk analysis of drought
Weather generator

Recent Main Projects

1. “Climate Change Impacts on and Adaptation of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Megacities and Urban Agglomerations”, a project supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No.2018YFA06063).
2. “Multi-Site Daily Precipitation Stochastic Simulation Conditioned on Circulation Patterns”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41877068).
3. “Research on compilation of Climatic Atlas and Climatic Regionalization of China in Recent 30 Years”, a project supported by China Special Program for Meteorology (Grant No. GYHY201106018).


1. Liao Y.M., and Huang D.P. (2020). “Climate characteristics and change trend of Xiong’an New Area (in Chinese).” Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 36 (23), 99-105.
2. Liao Y.M., Pan J. P., and Lv Y. (2020). “Climatic Suitability for Camellia oleifera Production in Shaoyang, Hunan (in Chinese).” Journal of Agriculture, 10 (7), 62-68.
3. Liao Y.M., and Yang W. P. (2019). “Analysis of climate condition and disaster for Chinese prickly ash production in Fengxian County (in Chinese).” Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 35 (23), 84-90.
4. Liao Y.M., Chen D.L., Liu Q.F. (2019). “The spatiotemporal characteristics and long-term trends of surface-air temperatures difference in China (in Chinese).” Climate Change Research, 15 (4), 374-384.
5. Liao Y.M., and Zhang C. J. (2017). “Spatio-temporal distribution characteristics and disaster change of drought in China based on meteorological drought composite index (in Chinese).” Meteorological Monthly, 43 (11), 1342-1350.
6. Liao Y. M., Wang L., et al., 2016). “Climatic characteristics and major meteorological events over China in 2015 (in Chinese).” Meteorological Monthly, 42 (4), 472-480.
7. Liao Y. M. (2013). “Change of parameters of BCC/RCG-WG for daily non-precipitation variables in China: 1951-1978 and 1979-2007.” Journal of Geographical Sciences, 23 (4), 579-594.
8. Liao Y. M., Chen D. L., and Xie Y. (2013). “Spatial variability of the parameters of the Chinese stochastic weather generator for daily non-precipitation variables simulation in China (in Chinese).” ACTA Meteorologica Sinica, 71(6):1103-1114
9. Liao Y. M., Chen D.L., and Xie Y. (2012). “Spatial and temporal distribution of dry spells in China (in Chinese).” ACTA Geographica Sinica, 67 (3), 321-336.
10. Liao Y.M., Liu L. L., Chen D.L., and Xie Y. (2011). “An evaluation of the BCC/RCG-WG’s performance in simulating daily non-precipitation variables in China (in Chinese).” ACTA Meteorologica Sinica, 69 (2), 310-319.
11. Liao Y.M., Chen D.L., Gao G., and Xie Y. (2009). “Impacts of climate changes on parameters of a weather generator for daily precipitation in China (in Chinese).” ACTA Geographica Sinica, 64 (7), 871-878
12. Liao Y.M., Zhang Q., and Chen D.L. (2007). “Summer climate characteristics in the Three Gorges area during 1951-2006 (in Chinese).” Climate Change Research, 3 (6), 368-372.
13. Liao Y.M., Pan X. B., Zhang Q., and Chen D. L.(2006). “Daily precipitation simulation and its application on crop production climate risk analysis (in Chinese).” Climate Change Research, 21 (Sup), 368-372.
14. Liao Y.M., Zhang Q., and Huang C. Y. (2005). “Studies on application of Jiangnan double crop rice simulated model to climate impact assessment service-taking Changde area as an example (in Chinese).” Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology, 26 (1), 24-27.
15. Liao Y .M., Zhang Q., and Chen D. L.(2004). “Stochastic modeling of daily precipitation in China.” Journal of Geographical Sciences,14 (4), 417-426.
16. Liao Y. M., and Zhou X. R.(2003). “Effects of climatic change on tobacco yield and the selection of its adaptive region in China (in Chinese).” Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 11 (4), 137-138.
17. Liao Y. M., and Zhai P. M.. Climatic Regionalization of China and Climate Pictures Scheme Research (in Chinese). Beijing: Meteorological press, 2014.
18. Chen X Y, Liao Y.M., and Zhang Q.. Ecology and Environment Monitoring of Three Gorges—Research on Climate and Its Impact Factors. Beijing: Meteorological press, 2011.

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