FENG Guolin
FENG Guolin(封国林) Doctor of Science / Chief Researcher / PhD Supervisor
Email: fenggl@cma.gov.cn
Third Zou Jingmeng Meteorological Scientific and Technological Talent Prize
Leading Scientific and Technological Talents of China Meteorological Administration
Second Prize of Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award
1988 B.S., Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University
1991-1993 M.S., Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University and China Academy of Meteorological Sciences
May 2002 PhD, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Resources and Environment, Lanzhou University
May 2002-Dec 2014 Postdoc, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1988-1991 Jiangsu Agricultural College
2004-2008 Associate Researcher, Researcher, Executive Deputy Director
Laboratory for Climate Studies, National Climate Center
2009-Present Chief Researcher, Climate Prediction Division and Laboratory for Climate Studies, National Climate Center (NCC)
Short-term climate predictions, extreme climate events, complex climate networks, and climate and economic decision-making
Principal Investigator of 2 projects supported by Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chief Researcher of 2 projects supported by China Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest
Leader of 2 National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) projects
Currently a researcher with the CMA National Climate Center whose chief area of interest is China flood season prediction
Developer of the Forecast System on Dynamical and Analogy Skills (FODAS1.0), which has been put to use in NCC’s short-term climate prediction operations, localized nationwide, and made part of the national weather conferences for 7 consecutive years with higher than 70 PS scores
Having published nearly 200 research papers (78 papers as the first author or corresponding author) and 4 books, which have been cited more than 1440 times in the SCI database
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