SUN Ying
SUN Ying(孙颖) Professor / Chief Senior Scientist
National Climate Center
No. 46 Zhongguancun Nandajie Street
Beijing 100081
1. Winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2020
2. Zou Jingmeng Meteorological Science and Technology Talent Award, 2018
3. First Prize of Meteorological Science and Technology Progress Achievement Award, 2016
4. Tsinghua-Inspur Award for Outstanding Young Talents in Earth Science, 2016
5. Best Paper of the Year, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2013
6. WMO Research Award for Young Scientists, 2008
Feb. 2004-Aug. 2005 Postdoc, National Research Council Resident Research Associateship, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA
Supervisor: Prof. Susan SOLOMON
Sept. 1999-Jul. 2002 Ph. D. in Meteorology, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology & Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
Supervisor: Prof. Yihui DING
Sept. 1996 - July 1999 M. S. in Meteorology, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences
Supervisor: Prof. Yihui DING
Sept. 1992 - July 1996 B. S. in Meteorology, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology
May 2011-Present Professor, Laboratory for Climate Studies, China Meteorological Administration
Sept. 2005-Apr. 2011 Associate Professor, Laboratory for Climate Studies, China Meteorological Administration
Jul. 2002-Jan. 2004 Assistant Professor, Laboratory for Climate Studies, China Meteorological Administration
Detection and attribution of climate change
Changes in climate extremes and their contribution
Climate changes in China
Member of the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection, Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI) of World Meteorological Organization
Co-Chair of WPI of China-UK Climate Science for Service Partnership
Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Meteorological Research
Member of Editorial Board of Advances in Climate Change Research
Lead author of China National Assessment Report on Climate Change
Chief Expert in the field of climate change detection and attribution, CMA Innovation Team on Climate Change
1. Sun Ying, Zhang Xuebin, F.W. Zwiers, Song Lianchun,Wan Hui, Hu Ting, Yin Hong, Ren Guoyu (2014). “Rapid increase in the risk to extreme summer heat in Eastern China.” Nature Climate Change (IF: 19.181), 4(12), 1082-1085.
2. Sun Ying, Zhang Xuebin, Ren Guoyu, F.W. Zwiers, Hu Ting (2016). Contribution of urbanization to warming in China. Nature Climate Change (IF: 19.181), 6(7), 706-709.
3. Sun Ying, Solomon Susan, Dai Aiguo, Portmann Robert W. (2007). “How often will it rain?” Journal of Climate, (IF: 4.85), 20(19), 4801-4818.
4. Sun Ying, Solomon Susan, Dai Aiguo, Portmann Robert W. (2006). How often does it rain?Journal of Climate, (IF: 4.85), 19(6), 916-934.
5. Sun Ying, Song Lianchun, Yin Hong, Zhang Xuebin, Stott Peter, Zhou Botao, Hu Ting (2016). “Human influence on the 2015 extreme high temperature events in Western China.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, (IF: 7.804), 97(12), S102-S106.
6. Sun Ying, Ding Yihui, Dai Aiguo (2010). “Changing links between South Asian summer monsoon circulation and tropospheric land-sea thermal contrasts under a warming scenario.” Geophysical Research Letters, (IF: 4.25), 37, L02704.
7. Sun Ying, Hu Ting, Zhang Xuebin (2018). “Substantial increase in heat wave risks in China in a future warmer world.” Earth’s Future, (IF: 5.781), 6(11), 1528-1538, DOI: 10.1029/2018ef000963.
8. SunYing, Hu Ting, Zhang Xuebin, Wan Hui, Stott Peter, Lu Chunhui (2018). “Anthropogenic influence on the Eastern China 2016 super cold surge.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, (IF: 7.804), 99(1), S123-S127.
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