ZHU Rong
ZHU Rong(朱蓉) Professor
No.46 Zhongguangcun Nandajie Street, Beijing 100081, China
Chief meteorologist in China Meteorological Administration in 2013.
Sept. 1981- Jul. 1985 B.S. in Nanjing University, China
Sept. 1998- Jun. 2001 M.S. in Beijing University, China
Sept. 1985- Jun. 1991 Research Intern, worked in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. Research filed: Atmospheric turbulence and air pollution diffusion.
Jul. 1991- Sept. 1996 Research Assistantship, worked in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. Research field: Atmospheric turbulence and meso-scale numerical simulation.
Oct. 1996- Oct. 2002 Associate Professor, worked in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. Research field: Atmospheric turbulence and numerical forecast of city air quality.
Nov. 2002- Mar. 2004 Professor, worked in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. Research field: Atmospheric turbulence and numerical forecast of city air quality.
Apr. 2004- Aug. 2010 Professor, worked in National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration. Research field: Wind energy resources assessment and atmospheric self-cleaning ability for air pollution diffusion.
Sept. 2010- Aug. 2013 Professor, worked in Public Meteorological Service Center of China Meteorological Administration. Research field: Wind energy resources assessment and forecast.
Sept. 2013- nowadays Professor, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration.
1.Wind energy resources assessment and forecast
2.Atmospheric self-cleaning ability for air pollution diffusion
3.Atmospheric environmental carrying capacity
1.“Research on characteristics of complex wind resources for wind power generation and its application and validation”, National Key R&D Program, 2019-2023 (Grant No. 2018YFB1501100).
2.“The operational system construction of extended-period and monthly-scale air pollution potential prediction”, Infrastructure Project of China Meteorological Administration,2015-2016.
3.“A study on offshore wind resource assessment based on satellite data and modelling”, Sino-Danish Renewable Energy Development, Programme Component 2, 2013-2014 (Grant No. 104.Kina.1.MFS.4-1-2-2).
4.“Research and application of wind power prediction technology for large-scale wind farms in the north of China”, Chinese Special Research Projects for public welfare industry, 2012-2014 (Grant No. GYHY201206026).
5.“Long-term numerical simulation and analysis of wind energy resources”, Special Research Project supported by China NDRC and MOF, 2008-2011.
6.“Wind energy resource assessment integrated software development”, 863 Program of the Ministry of science and technology, 2007-2010 (Grant No. 2007AA05Z424).
(In English)
1.Gong X., R. Zhu*, L. S. Chen, 2019: Characteristics of Near Surface Wind over Different Underlying Surfaces in China: Implication to Wind Power Development. Journal of Meteorological Research. J. Meteor. Res., 33(2), 349-362.
2.Zhu R., W. H. Shi, Y. Wang, et al, 2018: Research Suggestion for Assessing Ecological and Climatic Environmental Effects of Wind Power Development in China. Strategic Study of CAE. 20(3): 1-5
3.Gong X., R. Zhu*, Z. C. Li, 2018: A Study of Near Surface Wind Profiles in the Hebei Coastal Area Based on Observational Experiments. Journal of Tropical Meteorology. 24(4): 508-514.
4.Xu D. H., Y. Wang, R. Zhu, 2018: Atmospheric environmental capacity and urban atmospheric load in mainland China. Science China Earth Sciences, 61: 33-46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-017-9099-0.
5.Liu C. Y., Y. Wang, R. Zhu, 2017: Assessment of the economic potential of China’s onshore wind electricity. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 121: 33-39.
6.Chang R., R. Zhu, P. Guo, 2016: A Case Study of Land-Surface-Temperature Impact from Large-Scale deployment ofWind Farms in China from Guazhou. Remote Sensing. 8, 790-803.
7.Charlotte Bay Hasager, Poul Astrup, R. Zhu, et al, 2016: Quarter-Century OffshoreWinds from SSM/I and WRF in the North Sea and South China Sea. Remote Sensing. 8, 769-789.
8.Chang R., R. Zhu, Merete Badger, et al, 2015: Offshore wind resources assessment from multiple satellite data and WRF modeling over South China Sea. Remote Sensing. 7, 567-487.
9.Chang R., R. Zhu, Merete Badger, et al, 2014: Applicability of synthetic aperture radar wind retrievals on offshore wind resources assessment in Hangzhou Bay, China, Energies, 7(5),3339-3354.
10.Zhu R., D. Zhang, Y. D. Wang, et al, 2009: Assessment of Wind Energy Potential in China. Engineering Sciences. Vol.7, No.2, 18-26, ISSN 1672-4178, Cn11-4985/N.
(In Chinese)
11.Zhu R., Y. Wang, Y. Xiang, et al, 2020: Study on climate characteristics and development potential of wind energy resources in China. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, ISSN 0254-0096. CN 11-2082/TK. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2082.TK.20200618.1136.002.html.
12.Mei M., D. H. Xu, R. Zhu, et al, 2020: Quantitative estimation of air pollution emission rate based on urban atmospheric load index. China Environmental Science, 40(2): 465-474.
13.Zeng P. S., R. Zhu*, G. Z. Fan, et al, 2019: Study on climatic characteristics of local circulation in the lower atmosphere in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Meteor Mon, 45(3): 381-394.
14.Mei M., R. Zhu, C. Y. Sun, 2019: Study on meteorological conditions for heavy air pollution and its climatic characteristics in “2+26”cities around Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in autumn and winter. Climate Change Research, 15(3): 270-281.
15.Chang R., R. Zhu, Y. Z. Yin, et al, 2019: Estimation of offshore extreme winds at 100m over Jiangsu province based on specgral correction and numerical simulation. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 77(5): 938-948.
16.Zhu R., C. J. Zhang, M. Mei, 2018: The climate characteristics of atmospheric self-cleaning ability index and its application in China. China Environmental Science, 38(10): 3601-3610.
17.Ma W. T., R. Zhu*,Z. C. Li, et al, 2016: Study of the short-term wind power forecasting method for complex terrain wind farm based on the CFD dynamical downscalling. Acta Meteorologica Sinica,74(1):89-102.
18.Xu D. H., Y. Wang, R. Zhu, 2016: The atmospheric environmental capacity coefficient cumulative frequency curve fitting and its application. China Environmental Science, 36(10): 2913-2922.
19.Jiang Y. R., R. Zhu*, K. Y. Zhu, et al, 2015: Numerical simulation on the air pollution potential in the severe air pollution episodes in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 35(9): 2681-2692.
20.Fan G. F., R. Zhu, X. W. Zhang, et al, 2015: Numerical simulation study of the factors influencing high temperature over Hangzhou. Plateau Meteorology, 34(1): 137-144.
21.He X. F., R. W. Zhou, R. Zhu, 2015: Study of classification method for the wind energy resource numerical simulation assessment. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 73(5): 975-984.
22.Zhu R. 2014. Study on impact of large-scale wind energy development on city air pollution, Wind Energy, No.5, 48-53.
23.Gong X., R. Zhu*, G. Z. Fan, et al, 2014: Observational study of the vertical wind profile in the Inner Mongolia grassland near-surface. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 72(4): 711-722.
24.Gao L. X., R. Zhu, R. Chang, 2014: Applicability research using QuikSCAT and ASCAT satellite inversion wind data in the northern part of South China Sea. Meteorological Monthly, 40(10): 1240-1247.
25.Chang R., R. Zhu, R. W. Zhou, et al, 2014: An application of high resolution SAR wind retrievals to offshore wind resources assessment in China. Acta Meteorological Sinica. 72(3): 606-613.
26.Chang R., R. Zhu, Y. S. Liu, et al, 2013: Nowcasting model of wind speed based on mean generating function for wind farms. Meteorological Monthly, 39(2): 226-233.
27.Zhu R., Wind and Solar Energy Resources and their Development Potential in China. 2012. Annual Report on Actions to Address Climate Change (2012), Social Sciences Academic Press (in Chinese), 257-273.
28.Fang Y. Y., H. M. Xu, R. Zhu*, et al, 2012: Study on numerical simulation of wind energy resources based on WRF and CFD models, Meteorological Monthly, 38(11): 1376-1389.
29.Zhu R., Q. C. Cao, J. Y. Zhang, 2011: IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation and Its Influence on Climate Change Prospects. Advances in Climate Change Research, Vol.7, No.5, 378-380.
30.Wang P., R. Zhu*, Y. Y. Fang, 2011: Study of high resolution simulation for wind resources in Hailing Island, Guangdong. Wind Energy, 2(5):53-61.
31.Zhang T. J., R. Zhu, Z. R. Li, et al, 2011: Wind power forecast based on the mesoscale model and diagnosis wind field model. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 29(4): 500-503.
32.Yang G., S. H. Liu, R. Zhu, et al, 2011: Numerical simulation of features of boundary-layer over Poyang Lake area. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 54(4): 896-908.
33.Zhu R., X. F. He, R. W. Zhou, et al, 2010: Study on Numerical Simulation for Regional Wind Energy Resource Assessment. Wind Energy, Vol.1, No.4, 50-54. ISSN 1674-9219, CN 11-5942/TK.
34.Zhu R., X. F. He, R. W. Zhou, et al, 2010: Numerical Simulation for Regional Wind Energy Resource Assessment in China. The Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, May 23-27, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.
35.Xiao Z. N., R. Zhu, L. L. Song, 2010: Wind Energy Resource Assessment in China (2009). China Meteorological Press. Beijing, 2010.6, ISBN 978-7-5029-4989-1.
36.Zhang X. Z., Richard Boddington, R. Zhu, Ian Irvine, 2010: Guidebook for Developing Offshore Wind Farm in China. China Meteorological Press. Beijing, 2010.7, ISBN 978-7-5029-4998-3.
37.Cheng X. H., R. Zhu, X. F. He, et al, 2010: Analysis of constraints on utilization of wind energy resources at overland wind farms based on GIS: a case in Jiuquan city, Gansu province. Resources Science, 32(7): 1272-1279.
38.Zhou R. W., X. F. He, R. Zhu, 2010: Application of MM5/Calmet model system in wind energy resource assessment. Journal of Natural Resources, 25(12): 2101-2113.
39.He X. F., R. W. Zhou, R. Zhu, 2010: A study on wind resources in complex terrain simulated by the combination of MM5 and CFD software. Resources Science, 32(4): 650-655.
40.Zhou R. W., X. F. He, R. Zhu, et al, 2010: Numerical simulation of the development potential of wind energy resources over China’s offshore areas. Resources Science, 32(8): 1434-1443.
41.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, S. S. Zhao, 2009: Second-Generation Source-Strength Inversed Model and Its Application in Atmospheric Environmental Impact Assessment for Urban Planning. Meteorological Science and Technology, Vol.37, No.6, 641-645.
42.Xing X. H., R. Zhu, P. M. Zhai, 2009: The High Resolution Numerical Simulation of Wind Energy Resources in Hainan Province and Over its Offshore Waters, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, Vol. 25, No.4, 421-426.
43.Zhang D., R. Zhu, Y. Luo,et al, 2008: The Application of Canadian Wind Energy Simulation Toolkit (WEST) in China, Plateau Meteorology, Vol.27, No.1, 202-207.
44.Li Z. C., R. Zhu, X. F. He, et al, 2007: Study on the Assessment Technology of Wind Energy Resource, ACTA Meteorologica Sinica, Vol.65, No.5, 708-717.
45.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, 2005: The Theory of Non-local Multi-scale Turbulence on Heat Transport in Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Its Experiment Studying. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 16(3), 273-282.
46.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, 2004: Multi-scale Turbulent Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization in Mesoscale Numerical Simulation. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 15(5):543-555.
47.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, C. D. Zhou, et al, 2002: Application of CAPPS in the Numerical Prediction Operational System of Multi-City Air Pollution Index. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 13(Suppl):204-213.
48.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, Y. J. Meng, et al, 2001: City Air Pollution Numerical Prediction System and its Application. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 12(3):267-278.
49.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, L. G. Bian, et al, 2000: The counter gradient heat flux in the atmospheric surface layer in the south pole. Acta Meteorological Sinica, 58(2): 214-222.
50.Xu D. H., R. Zhu, 2000: Atmospheric advective and dispersion nonstatic box-model for prediction of the potential index of airborne pollutant. Quarterly Journal of Applied Meteorology, 11(1): 1-12.
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