ZHU Rong

ZHU Rong(朱蓉) Professor

No.46 Zhongguangcun Nandajie Street, Beijing 100081, China


Chief meteorologist in China Meteorological Administration in 2013.


Sept. 1981- Jul. 1985 B.S. in Nanjing University, China
Sept. 1998- Jun. 2001 M.S. in Beijing University, China

Work Experience

Sept. 1985- Jun. 1991 Research Intern, worked in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. Research filed: Atmospheric turbulence and air pollution diffusion.
Jul. 1991- Sept. 1996 Research Assistantship, worked in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. Research field: Atmospheric turbulence and meso-scale numerical simulation.
Oct. 1996- Oct. 2002 Associate Professor, worked in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. Research field: Atmospheric turbulence and numerical forecast of city air quality.
Nov. 2002- Mar. 2004 Professor, worked in Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. Research field: Atmospheric turbulence and numerical forecast of city air quality.
Apr. 2004- Aug. 2010 Professor, worked in National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration. Research field: Wind energy resources assessment and atmospheric self-cleaning ability for air pollution diffusion.
Sept. 2010- Aug. 2013 Professor, worked in Public Meteorological Service Center of China Meteorological Administration. Research field: Wind energy resources assessment and forecast.
Sept. 2013- nowadays Professor, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration.

Research Fields

1.Wind energy resources assessment and forecast
2.Atmospheric self-cleaning ability for air pollution diffusion
3.Atmospheric environmental carrying capacity

Recent Main Projects

1.“Research on characteristics of complex wind resources for wind power generation and its application and validation”, National Key R&D Program, 2019-2023 (Grant No. 2018YFB1501100).
2.“The operational system construction of extended-period and monthly-scale air pollution potential prediction”, Infrastructure Project of China Meteorological Administration,2015-2016.
3.“A study on offshore wind resource assessment based on satellite data and modelling”, Sino-Danish Renewable Energy Development, Programme Component 2, 2013-2014 (Grant No. 104.Kina.1.MFS.4-1-2-2).
4.“Research and application of wind power prediction technology for large-scale wind farms in the north of China”, Chinese Special Research Projects for public welfare industry, 2012-2014 (Grant No. GYHY201206026).
5.“Long-term numerical simulation and analysis of wind energy resources”, Special Research Project supported by China NDRC and MOF, 2008-2011.
6.“Wind energy resource assessment integrated software development”, 863 Program of the Ministry of science and technology, 2007-2010 (Grant No. 2007AA05Z424).


(In English)
1.Gong X., R. Zhu*, L. S. Chen, 2019: Characteristics of Near Surface Wind over Different Underlying Surfaces in China: Implication to Wind Power Development. Journal of Meteorological Research. J. Meteor. Res., 33(2), 349-362.
2.Zhu R., W. H. Shi, Y. Wang, et al, 2018: Research Suggestion for Assessing Ecological and Climatic Environmental Effects of Wind Power Development in China. Strategic Study of CAE. 20(3): 1-5
3.Gong X., R. Zhu*, Z. C. Li, 2018: A Study of Near Surface Wind Profiles in the Hebei Coastal Area Based on Observational Experiments. Journal of Tropical Meteorology. 24(4): 508-514.
4.Xu D. H., Y. Wang, R. Zhu, 2018: Atmospheric environmental capacity and urban atmospheric load in mainland China. Science China Earth Sciences, 61: 33-46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-017-9099-0.
5.Liu C. Y., Y. Wang, R. Zhu, 2017: Assessment of the economic potential of China’s onshore wind electricity. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 121: 33-39.
6.Chang R., R. Zhu, P. Guo, 2016: A Case Study of Land-Surface-Temperature Impact from Large-Scale deployment ofWind Farms in China from Guazhou. Remote Sensing. 8, 790-803.
7.Charlotte Bay Hasager, Poul Astrup, R. Zhu, et al, 2016: Quarter-Century OffshoreWinds from SSM/I and WRF in the North Sea and South China Sea. Remote Sensing. 8, 769-789.
8.Chang R., R. Zhu, Merete Badger, et al, 2015: Offshore wind resources assessment from multiple satellite data and WRF modeling over South China Sea. Remote Sensing. 7, 567-487.
9.Chang R., R. Zhu, Merete Badger, et al, 2014: Applicability of synthetic aperture radar wind retrievals on offshore wind resources assessment in Hangzhou Bay, China, Energies, 7(5),3339-3354.
10.Zhu R., D. Zhang, Y. D. Wang, et al, 2009: Assessment of Wind Energy Potential in China. Engineering Sciences. Vol.7, No.2, 18-26, ISSN 1672-4178, Cn11-4985/N.

(In Chinese)
11.Zhu R., Y. Wang, Y. Xiang, et al, 2020: Study on climate characteristics and development potential of wind energy resources in China. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, ISSN 0254-0096. CN 11-2082/TK. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2082.TK.20200618.1136.002.html.
12.Mei M., D. H. Xu, R. Zhu, et al, 2020: Quantitative estimation of air pollution emission rate based on urban atmospheric load index. China Environmental Science, 40(2): 465-474.
13.Zeng P. S., R. Zhu*, G. Z. Fan, et al, 2019: Study on climatic characteristics of local circulation in the lower atmosphere in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Meteor Mon, 45(3): 381-394.
14.Mei M., R. Zhu, C. Y. Sun, 2019: Study on meteorological conditions for heavy air pollution and its climatic characteristics in “2+26”cities around Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in autumn and winter. Climate Change Research, 15(3): 270-281.
15.Chang R., R. Zhu, Y. Z. Yin, et al, 2019: Estimation of offshore extreme winds at 100m over Jiangsu province based on specgral correction and numerical simulation. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 77(5): 938-948.
16.Zhu R., C. J. Zhang, M. Mei, 2018: The climate characteristics of atmospheric self-cleaning ability index and its application in China. China Environmental Science, 38(10): 3601-3610.
17.Ma W. T., R. Zhu*,Z. C. Li, et al, 2016: Study of the short-term wind power forecasting method for complex terrain wind farm based on the CFD dynamical downscalling. Acta Meteorologica Sinica,74(1):89-102.
18.Xu D. H., Y. Wang, R. Zhu, 2016: The atmospheric environmental capacity coefficient cumulative frequency curve fitting and its application. China Environmental Science, 36(10): 2913-2922.
19.Jiang Y. R., R. Zhu*, K. Y. Zhu, et al, 2015: Numerical simulation on the air pollution potential in the severe air pollution episodes in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 35(9): 2681-2692.
20.Fan G. F., R. Zhu, X. W. Zhang, et al, 2015: Numerical simulation study of the factors influencing high temperature over Hangzhou. Plateau Meteorology, 34(1): 137-144.
21.He X. F., R. W. Zhou, R. Zhu, 2015: Study of classification method for the wind energy resource numerical simulation assessment. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 73(5): 975-984.
22.Zhu R. 2014. Study on impact of large-scale wind energy development on city air pollution, Wind Energy, No.5, 48-53.
23.Gong X., R. Zhu*, G. Z. Fan, et al, 2014: Observational study of the vertical wind profile in the Inner Mongolia grassland near-surface. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 72(4): 711-722.
24.Gao L. X., R. Zhu, R. Chang, 2014: Applicability research using QuikSCAT and ASCAT satellite inversion wind data in the northern part of South China Sea. Meteorological Monthly, 40(10): 1240-1247.
25.Chang R., R. Zhu, R. W. Zhou, et al, 2014: An application of high resolution SAR wind retrievals to offshore wind resources assessment in China. Acta Meteorological Sinica. 72(3): 606-613.
26.Chang R., R. Zhu, Y. S. Liu, et al, 2013: Nowcasting model of wind speed based on mean generating function for wind farms. Meteorological Monthly, 39(2): 226-233.
27.Zhu R., Wind and Solar Energy Resources and their Development Potential in China. 2012. Annual Report on Actions to Address Climate Change (2012), Social Sciences Academic Press (in Chinese), 257-273.
28.Fang Y. Y., H. M. Xu, R. Zhu*, et al, 2012: Study on numerical simulation of wind energy resources based on WRF and CFD models, Meteorological Monthly, 38(11): 1376-1389.
29.Zhu R., Q. C. Cao, J. Y. Zhang, 2011: IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation and Its Influence on Climate Change Prospects. Advances in Climate Change Research, Vol.7, No.5, 378-380.
30.Wang P., R. Zhu*, Y. Y. Fang, 2011: Study of high resolution simulation for wind resources in Hailing Island, Guangdong. Wind Energy, 2(5):53-61.
31.Zhang T. J., R. Zhu, Z. R. Li, et al, 2011: Wind power forecast based on the mesoscale model and diagnosis wind field model. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 29(4): 500-503.
32.Yang G., S. H. Liu, R. Zhu, et al, 2011: Numerical simulation of features of boundary-layer over Poyang Lake area. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 54(4): 896-908.
33.Zhu R., X. F. He, R. W. Zhou, et al, 2010: Study on Numerical Simulation for Regional Wind Energy Resource Assessment. Wind Energy, Vol.1, No.4, 50-54. ISSN 1674-9219, CN 11-5942/TK.
34.Zhu R., X. F. He, R. W. Zhou, et al, 2010: Numerical Simulation for Regional Wind Energy Resource Assessment in China. The Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, May 23-27, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.
35.Xiao Z. N., R. Zhu, L. L. Song, 2010: Wind Energy Resource Assessment in China (2009). China Meteorological Press. Beijing, 2010.6, ISBN 978-7-5029-4989-1.
36.Zhang X. Z., Richard Boddington, R. Zhu, Ian Irvine, 2010: Guidebook for Developing Offshore Wind Farm in China. China Meteorological Press. Beijing, 2010.7, ISBN 978-7-5029-4998-3.
37.Cheng X. H., R. Zhu, X. F. He, et al, 2010: Analysis of constraints on utilization of wind energy resources at overland wind farms based on GIS: a case in Jiuquan city, Gansu province. Resources Science, 32(7): 1272-1279.
38.Zhou R. W., X. F. He, R. Zhu, 2010: Application of MM5/Calmet model system in wind energy resource assessment. Journal of Natural Resources, 25(12): 2101-2113.
39.He X. F., R. W. Zhou, R. Zhu, 2010: A study on wind resources in complex terrain simulated by the combination of MM5 and CFD software. Resources Science, 32(4): 650-655.
40.Zhou R. W., X. F. He, R. Zhu, et al, 2010: Numerical simulation of the development potential of wind energy resources over China’s offshore areas. Resources Science, 32(8): 1434-1443.
41.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, S. S. Zhao, 2009: Second-Generation Source-Strength Inversed Model and Its Application in Atmospheric Environmental Impact Assessment for Urban Planning. Meteorological Science and Technology, Vol.37, No.6, 641-645.
42.Xing X. H., R. Zhu, P. M. Zhai, 2009: The High Resolution Numerical Simulation of Wind Energy Resources in Hainan Province and Over its Offshore Waters, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, Vol. 25, No.4, 421-426.
43.Zhang D., R. Zhu, Y. Luo,et al, 2008: The Application of Canadian Wind Energy Simulation Toolkit (WEST) in China, Plateau Meteorology, Vol.27, No.1, 202-207.
44.Li Z. C., R. Zhu, X. F. He, et al, 2007: Study on the Assessment Technology of Wind Energy Resource, ACTA Meteorologica Sinica, Vol.65, No.5, 708-717.
45.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, 2005: The Theory of Non-local Multi-scale Turbulence on Heat Transport in Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Its Experiment Studying. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 16(3), 273-282.
46.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, 2004: Multi-scale Turbulent Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization in Mesoscale Numerical Simulation. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 15(5):543-555.
47.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, C. D. Zhou, et al, 2002: Application of CAPPS in the Numerical Prediction Operational System of Multi-City Air Pollution Index. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 13(Suppl):204-213.
48.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, Y. J. Meng, et al, 2001: City Air Pollution Numerical Prediction System and its Application. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 12(3):267-278.
49.Zhu R., D. H. Xu, L. G. Bian, et al, 2000: The counter gradient heat flux in the atmospheric surface layer in the south pole. Acta Meteorological Sinica, 58(2): 214-222.
50.Xu D. H., R. Zhu, 2000: Atmospheric advective and dispersion nonstatic box-model for prediction of the potential index of airborne pollutant. Quarterly Journal of Applied Meteorology, 11(1): 1-12.

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