Accompanied by Dr. Zheng Guoguang, Administrator of China Meteorological Administration, Prof. Alexander Frolov, Administrator of Roshydromet, visited Beijing Climate Centre on March 18,2013. Dr. Chao Qingchen, Deputy Director-General of BCC introduced the progresses of operation and scientific research of BCC.
In recent years, BCC has strengthened its cooperation with the Russian institutes. Complex Land Simulation with the Example of the Permafrost Area in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and northern Russia, the 2012 NSFC-RFBR cooperation project, has got the official approval.
Prof. Alexander Frolov highly appraised BCC’s excellent work on climate service and outstanding research on climate change. He hoped that North EurAsia Climate Center(NEACC) would be able to cooperate with BCC in the future
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