The Dynamic Climate Model Prediction System (DCMPS) is a special research achievement made in the project of Enhancing the Climate Operation: Integration of Short-term Climate Prediction Systems and Pilot Operational Research in China, which is part of the national key research project entitled ”Research on Short-term Climate Prediction Systems in China” in the Ninth National Five-Year Plan. The system consists of 5 sub-systems, namely:
Global Oceanographic Data Assimilation System (NCC-GODAS),
Coupled General Circulation Model Ensemble Prediction System (NCC-CGCM-EPS),
Regional Climate Model Prediction System for East Asia (RegCM-NCC),
Monthly Dynamical Extended-Range Forecasting (DERF) System
Simplified ENSO Sea-Air Coupled Model Prediction System (NCC-ENSO).
Since its trial operation in October of 2001, a working group has been monitoring, verifying and assessing its performance and they have made improvements to its various components. The stability and reliability of the system has been further improved and a set of management procedures has been developed for monitoring and maintaining the system. This system is a comparatively advanced climate prediction system in China and its prediction products have been widely used in climate prediction. The National Climate Center has adopted its products as one of the basic short-term climate predictions and they have been widely used by Regional Meteorological Centers and Provincial Meteorological Bureaus in China.
So far, the overall performance of DCMPS has basically met the real-time operational requirements and it has met primary conditions for operational applications.