Beijing Climate Center (BCC) held a consultation meeting on drought in the new consultation room of the Scientific and Technological Building. Dr. Liu Haibo, Director of the Department of Forecasting Services and Disaster Mitigation, and Dr. Dong WenJie, Deputy Director General of BCC and other leaders took part in the meeting. It was presided over by Dr. Zhang Qiang, Director of the Climate Impact Assessment Division. After analyzing and consulting the drought in southern China, a consensus was agreed by the participating experts that: from November this year, most drought-hit areas in southern China saw a precipitation ranging from 20-50 mm, the precipitation reached 50-100 mm in most parts of Yangtze and Huai river basin and northern Guanxi and even exceeded 100 mm in some areas; The precipitation in Guilin of Guangxi (285.7mm), Linlin (160.5 mm) and Dao County (167.8 mm) of Hunan hit the historical records with the same period since 1951. Soil moisture content is obviously improved in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and northern part of South China. The drought in autumn has been relieved to a larger extent. However, southern Guangxi, most part of Guangdong and Hainan are still short of rain, with the precipitation generally less than 10 mm and the drought still remains there.
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