PPTs Sharing on 9 May
Session 3: Climate Observation, Data and Monitoring (09:00-10:10)
Chair: ZHOU Bing
09:00-09:20 Meteorological Data Service of CMA
HU Xing, NMIC/CMA, China
LIU Jian, NSMC/CMA, China
WANG Pengling, BCC/CMA, China
09:55-10:10 Brief introduction of ACRE-China
REN Yuyu, BCC/CMA, China
10:10-10:30 Tea Break
Session 4:Overview of Recent Climate and Climate Change (10:30-11:55) Location:24th Floor, Guangxi Hawaii International Hotel, BCC/CMA, China
Juyoun Lim, KMA, Republic of Korea
Masashi Sumitomo, JMA, Japan
Yoo-Geun Ham, Chonnam National University, Republic of Korea
YANG Mingzhu, BCC/CMA, China
HAN Zhenyu, BCC/CMA, China
11:55-12:10 Review of East Asia Winter Monsoon in 2018/2019 Winter
ZHI Rong, BCC/CMA, China
ZHI Rong, BCC/CMA, China
Lunch Break (12:00-13:30)
Session 5:Sub-Seasonal and Seasonal Climate Prediction of the Summer 2019 over East Asia Area (13:30-17: 30)
Chair: GAO Hui Tea Break
Chair: Dongjoon KIM
15:30-15:45 Seasonal outlook for summer 2019 from NEACC
Ekaterina Ganieva, NECC, Russia
16:10-16:25 Seasonal Forecast for Summer 2019 for Hong Kong
Wing Hang CHAN, Hong Kong Observatory, China
Sumin Woo, K-water, Republic of Korea
16:40-17:00 Auto-statistical seasonal prediction system and outlook of summer rainfall anomaly over China in 2019
WU Yujie, BCC/CMA, China
NIE Yu, BCC/CMA, China
Bayasgalan Gerelchuluun, NAMEM, Mongolia
Ryan Kang, CCRS, Singapore
Chi Wai Lam, SMG, Macao, China