Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring-Assessment-Prediction for Asia 2023 Final Agenda
The Nineteenth Session of the Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring, Assessment and Prediction for Asia (FOCRAII-19)
(Tentative Program)
Nanning, China 8-10 May 2023
Online Meeting via Microsoft
Password: 610102oW
Meeting invitation link:
May 8 (Monday), 2023
Location:24th Floor, Guangxi Hawaii International Hotel
Opening Ceremony (09:00-09:25)
Chair: ZHANG Peiqun
09:00-09:10 Welcome address by Jiashuang YUAN, Representative of CMA
09:10-09:20 Address by Ben Churchill, Representative of WMO Secretariat
09:20-09:25 Address by Chan XIAO, Representative of Guangxi Meteorological Service
09:25-10:00 Group Photo and Tea Break
Session 1:Technology and Management of Disaster Risk and Climate Services (10:00-12:05)
Chair: Peiqun ZHANG
10:00-10:20 Keynote: Regional reform: EW4A Abu Dhabi Statement, regional State of the Climate report, and Regional Partnership Strategy
Jun YU, WMO Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific (RAP)
10:20-10:35 Online speech by Dustin Schinn(ADB)
10:35-10:50 Online speech by Sanjay Srivastava (ESCAP) impact forecasting of the Asian Monsoon 2023
10:50-11:05 Online speech by Catherine Jones(FAO), Acting on Early Warnings: How improvements in climate services are allowing us to predict & act on warnings in Asia-Pacific
11:05-11:20 Warming impact on wheat yield in China, Chuang ZHAO, CAU
11:20-11:35 Adapting regional climate services to improve crop resilience to climate change
11:35-11:50 Fengyun Meteorological Satellites Support Climate Research and Application Lin CHEN, National Satellite Meteorological Centre, CMA
11:50-12:05 Implementation of Meteorological Disaster Risk Management in BCC/CMA Ying LI, BCC/CMA
Lunch Break (12:05-14:00)
Session 2: Invited Lectures (14:00-17:30)
Chair: Tianjun ZHOU
14:00-14:30 Keynote: Guidance on the future of regional climate (outlook) forums and a pre-review of the Congress decisions on climate and climate services (线上)
Dr Wilfran Moufouma Okia, Chief, Regional Climate Prediction Services Division, Service Department, WMO
14:30-15:00 Climate change and extreme events
Dr Panmao Zhai, Co-Chair, IPCC AR6 WGI, CAMS/CMA
15:00-15:30 Interdecadal Differences in the Intraseasonal Variabilities of East Asian Jet Streams
Tea Break
Chair: Yaocun ZHANG
16:00-16:30Constrained projection of Asian monsoon rainfall changes
16:30-17:00 Cold-Eurasia gives rise to winter warm anomalies over the Barents-Kara Seas
Bing Yi WU, Fudan University
17:00-17:30 ENSO regulates tropical inter-basin interactions on interannual timescales
Reception by BCC (18:30-20:00, at the 2nd Floor, Hawaii Hotel)
May 9 (Tuesday), 2023
Location:24th Floor, Guangxi Hawaii International Hotel
Session 3: Climate Observation, Data and Monitoring (09:00-10:00)
Chair: Qingliang ZHOU
09:00-09:20 North Indian Ocean TC-related extreme weather early warning and disaster assessment
Jian Tang, NMC/CMA
09:20-09:40 Meteorological Data Service of CMA
Jie Wang, NMIC/CMA
09:40-10:00 Climate Services of the WMO Third Pole Regional Climate Center-Network
Lijuan MA, BCC/CMA
10:00-10:20 Tea Break
Session 4:Overview of Recent Climate and Climate Change (10:20-11:40)
Chair: Hiroaki Natori
10:20-10:40 Overview of Winter Climate over South Korea 2022
Hoseong Hwang, KMA
10:40-11:00 The characteristics of 2022/23 winter monsoon in Japan
Tomoya Iwahira, JMA
11:00-11:20 Revier of 2022–2023 Winter Climate and Seasonal Outlook for summer 2023 over Mongolia
Jargalan Bayaraa, NAMEM, Mongolia
11:20-11:40 Online speech by Ying SHI, BCC/CMA, Regional Climate Change Projection and Application over China
Lunch Break (11:40-13:30)
Session 5:Sub-Seasonal and Seasonal Climate Prediction of the Summer 2023 over East Asia Area (13:30-17:45)
Chair: Hui GAO
13:30-13:45 Summer Climate Outlook for China in 2023
13:40-14:00 Seasonal outlook for summer 2023 over Japan
Hiroaki Natori, TCC/JMA
14:00-14:15 Climate Outlook for Summer 2023 over Korea
Miyoung Park, KMA, Republic of Korea
14:15-14:30 Seasonal prediction in China for summer 2023 based on SMART climate prediction system
Xuguang SUN, NJU
14:30-14:45 Climate Prediction and Outlook in China for the Flood Season 2023
14:45-15:00 Precursor effects of Tibetan Plateau heating anomaly in the seasonal march of East Asian summer monsoon
Anmin DUAN, Xiamen University
15:00-15:10 Online speech by Ka Wai SO, HKO, Annual outlook for Hong Kong
15:10-15:20 Online speech by Ta Huu Chinh, Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change, seasonal forecast outlook of the summer 2023 for Vietnam
15:20-15:30 Online speech by Kaverina Ekaterina from NEACC, Seasonal outlook over Asian part of North Eurasia for upcoming summer 2023
15:30-16:00 Tea Break
Chair: Xuguang SUN
16:00-16:15 Seasonal Prediction over East Asia for June-July-August 2023
Sumin Woo, Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water)
16:15-16:30 Climate Review of 2022 and Seasonal Prediction on JJA 2023, Nor Sherizan DARUS, Malaysian Meteorological Department
16:30-16:45 A brief review of monsoon 2022 and the outlook for monsoon 2023
Muhammad Irfan Virk, Pakistan Meteorological Department
16:45-17:00 China Multi-Model Ensemble Prediction System Version 2.0 (CMMEv2.0) and its application to Flood-Season Prediction in 2023”
Jianghua WAN, BCC/CMA
17:00-17:15 Seasonal outlook of summer climate anomalies over East Asia in 2023, Boqi LIU, CAMS/CMA
17:15-17:25 Online speech by Yanjie CHENG, CMA Flood Season Prediction Results from the CMA-CPSv3 Operational Climate System Model
17:25-17:35 Online speech by Nicola Golding, Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Services - meeting the global challenge
17:35-17:45 Online speech by Nick Dunstone, UK Met Office Hadley Centre seasonal climate predictions for summer 2023
May 10 (Wednesday), 2023
Session 6: Discussion and Summary(09:00-10:30)
Chair: Hui GAO
A summary of predictions on Asian summer 2023 climate will be produced together by BCC/CMA, JMA, KMA and other NMHSs from Asia.
10:30-10:50 Tea Break
Closing Remarks (10:50-11:00)
Chair: Peiqun ZHANG
11:00-12:00 Visit to Guangxi Meteorological Service