In the afternoon of 8 May 2005, Dr. Zheng Guoguang, Deputy Administrator of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), and Chairman of the Working Group on Climate of Regional Association II (Asia) met Dr. Buruhani Nyenzi, Acting Director, Department of the World Climate Programme (WCP) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in the meeting room on the 10th floor of the Climate Science and Technology Building. Dr. Zheng had a friendly discussion with Dr. Nyenzi, conveying the regards to him from Academician Qin Dahe, Administrator of CMA, and Dr. Zheng also briefed about the endeavors made by China in the filed of climate activities. Dr. Nyenzi spoke highly of the contributions made by China to the development of climate services in both Asia and within WMO framework. Dr. Dong Wenjie, Director-General of the National Climate Centre (NCC), Dr. Luo Yong, Deputy Director-General of NCC and other NCC experts attended the meeting and they had pleasant discussions with Dr. Nyenzi, during which some presentations were made on the Beijing Climate Centre (BCC), including the progress in studies and operational performance of climate system prediction models, climate system monitoring, ENSO monitoring and prediction, climate impact assessment and applications. Dr. Nyenzia was very much impressed by the efforts and achievements that BCC has made so far towards building a Regional Climate Center (RCC), while he highly commended BCC on successfully hosting the First Session of the Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring-Assessment Prediction in April 2005. Dr. Nyenzi also talked about the Regional Climate Outlook Forecast (RCOF) under WMO-CLIPS programme and its role in collaboration between regional climate centres
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