The Seventh Joint Meeting of the Seasonal Prediction on the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) was successfully held on May 11-13 of 2005 at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, which was sponsored by Beijing Climate Centre (BCC) of China Meteorological Administration (CMA). Dr. Wang Shourong (Deputy-Administrator of CMA), Dr Buruhani S. Nyenzi (Acting Director of World Climate Programme Department of WMO) and Mr. Mi Yongjin (Deputy Director-General of Education Department of Jiangsu Province) presented and extended their cordial welcome addressing to all the participants. More than 40 participants from China, Republic of Korea, DPR of Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, China Hong Kong, as well as 31 trainees of WMO International Training Course on Monsoon Meteorology from 26 countries attended this meeting.
On opening ceremony, Dr. Wang Shourong (Deputy-Administrator of CMA) said that the meeting of Seasonal Prediction on East Asian Summer Monsoon, which was sponsored and host in turn by China, Japan and Republic of Korea, had made great contribution to strengthen the cooperation and communication about the Research of monsoon among many countries of East Asia, even the whole Asia. In order to enhance the cooperation with other Asian countries and promote the friendship, CMA will continue to support the joint meeting in the future.
Dr. Nyenzi who was entrusted by Secretariat Department of WMO attended the meeting and delivered an opening address. It is the second time that participant of WMO to attend the joint meeting of seasonal prediction on East Asian Summer Monsoon. Dr. Nyenzi passed on Secretary-General of WMO’s congratulation to the conference and spoke highly of the active effect made by the joint meeting and also the contribution of BCC on advancing the cooperation on climate research with other countries. He also expressed his thanks to BCC for the organization of meeting. Dr. Dong Wenjie (Director-General of BCC) presided the opening ceremony and made a speech. Dr. Sun Zhaobo (Headmaster of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology) also attend the meeting and gave a welcome address.
There are 29 reports presented in this meeting, involved Latest outcomes from Research on EAM, Overview of Recent Climate, Monitoring and Outlook on ENSO and Outlook of 2005 Summer Monsoon. At last, we made a summary according to the above content.
It was the first time the joint meeting combined with WMO International Training Course, which introduced science and technology of the monsoon's prediction directly to more Asian and African countries. The trainees listened carefully to the reports and discussed actively. All the above make the impact of the conference become more positive and extensive.