The daily precipitation for recent 30 day (July 23, -August, 21, 2006) is lower than normal. The precipitation in most areas of Europe, Australia and Brazil, Central Asia, and Northern America is 5% lower. It is higher or close to normal in rest area of the world, among them, it's 5% higher than normal years in Central Siberia, Central Mongolia, Eastern Europe, middle and eastern parts of North America.
The daily precipitation for recent 30 day (July 23, -August, 21, 2006) is lower than normal. In most areas of East Asia and East Siberia, Southern part of South Asia, Central Asia, and West Siberia, it is 5% lower than normal years. It is higher or close to normal in rest area of Asia, among them, over Central Siberia, some parts of East Siberia, Central Mongolia, East part of South China, and West part of Southwest China, it is 5% higher than normal years.
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