On 31 August 2006, Dr. Zhang Yongsheng from Hawaii University visited LCS and delivered a report on “Relationship between the interannual variation of snow season ending data over the Tibetan Plateau and climate anomaly in Eurasia”. Over 30 experts and officials of NCC attended the seminar. Dr. Luo Yong presided the seminar.
The impact of Tibetan Plateau on climate variability is an important issue for research all the while. The heating force effect of plateau snow cover on neighboring climate anomaly is an even more hot issue. Dr. Zhang mainly focused on the relationship between the ending time of snow season over the Tibetan Plateau and climate anomaly in Eurasia. His research indicated that, the late ending time of plateau snow cover is closely relevant with increase/decrease of heating force of land surface on atmosphere. Dr. Zhang mainly introduced that, 1) definition of starting and ending time of snow season was adopted by use of pentad snow depth data over Tibetan Plateau; the data series of average ending date of plateau snow season (EDOSS) was established; 2) based on the investigation of relationship between EDOSS and temperature, rainfall, upper/lower wind field and SST in June in Eurasia, a close relation between early/late ending of plateau snow season and rainfall anomaly of India and South China summer monsoon in early summer was discovered; 3)in terms of the preliminary discussion of pattern of atmosphere remote correlation in summer related to the inter-annual variability of temperature over plateau, it indicated that a remote correlation pattern caused by plateau heating could probably be the physical explanation of dry/wet anomaly in early summer in Southeast Europe.