Tuesday 19 September
Opening Session (Chaired by Prof. Li Weijing)
09:00-09:30 Opening and Welcome Addresses
Mr. Lin Hongzhu (Deputy director-general of Department of Science and Technology, CMA, China)
Prof. Kenji Nakamura (HyARC, Nagoya University, Japan)
09:30-09:40 Group photo
Invited Session
09:40-10:05 Achievements of the LAPS Project
Nakamura Kenji
10:05-10:30 Recent progress on East Asian monsoon studies in NCC of China
Li Weijing
10:30-10:40 Coffee Break
SessionⅠ:Comprehensive Research in the Weather and Climate of Huaihe River Basin (Chaired by Prof. Kato Kuranoshin and Dr.Xueli SHI )
10:40-11:00 Experiments of regional climate modeling over Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin Liu Yiming
11:00-11:20 Intraseasonal variability of Meiyu front on submonthly timescales over the Yangtze and Huaihe river basins
Fujinami Hatsuki
11:20-11:40 Climatological view on Double Ridges Process of West Pacific Subtropical High and its possible mechanism
Qi Li
11:40-12:00 Seasonal evolution of atmospheric and land surface condition around the Huaihe River Basin and its northern region from spring to summer
Ikeda Shoichiro
12:00-14:00 Lunch
SessionⅡ:Mesoscale Systems in the Meiyu Front
(Chaired by Prof. Tanaka Hiroki and Prof. Zhang Peiqun)
14:00-14:20 On the southerly wind invasion processes toward the Akisame (Autumn Rainfall) front in East Asia
Kato Kuranoshin
14:20-14:40 Statistical features of precipitation cells observed around the Meiyu/Baiu front Maki Ryo
14:40-15:00 Analysis on Mesoscale Structure of a Case of Heavy Rain in Middle Huaihe River Basin in Early July of 2005
Hu Wen
15:00-15:20 Detailed structure of wind and moisture fields around the Baiu frontal zone over the East China Sea
Maeda Shinichiro
15:20-15:30 Coffee Break
SessionⅢ:Boundary Layer and Land-Atmosphere Interaction in Huaihe River Valley
(Chaired by Prof. Hiyama Tetsuya and Prof. Guo Zhenhai )
15:30-15:50 Relationships between atmospheric boundary layer and surface condition:
An observation over the middle stream of the Huaihe River basin in China
Tanaka Hiroki
15:50-16:10 A Study on the Energy Budgets at Shouxian Station
Hu Guoquan
16:10-16:30 Large Eddy Simulation of the Convective Boundary Layer over the Huaihe River Basin in China during Early Summer in 2004
Endo Satoshi
16:30-16:50 Effects of Shallow Cumulus Clouds on the Environment over the Huaihe River Basin in China during Early Summer Season
Shinoda Taro
16:50-17:10 Soil Moisture Effects on Precipitation in the Huaihe River Basin–––– Revised Model Studies
Xueli SHI
17:10-17:30 Comparative study on diurnal and seasonal changes in ABL over Shouxian and Changwu regions
Hiyama Tetsuya
17:30-17:50 Simulation on water resources in the plain area of the Huaihe River Basin Xu Sheng
17:50-18:10 General Discussion
18:20-20:30 Welcome Party
Wednesday 20 September
(Chaired by Prof. Higuchi Atsushi)
08:40-09:00 Preliminary Results of Surface Layer Characteristics and Energy Budget during LAPS, 2003~2004
Ding Yihui
09:00-09:20 Variation of Summer Rainfall in Huaihe River Basin and Its Association with Atmospheric Circulation
Zhu Yanfeng
Session Ⅳ: Application of Remote Sounding in Understanding the
Weather of Huaihe River Basin
(Chaired by Dr. Shinoda Taro and Ms.Hu Wen)
09:20-09:40 Relationship between small isolated cloud systems and mesoscale convective systems over Northwestern Pacific ocean derived from Gestational Meteorological Satellite (GMS)
Higuchi Atsushi
09:40-10:00 Satellite-retrieved Evapotranspiration over Shouxian Area of China:
Application of a Modified Triangle Approach Using ASTER Data
Liu Yuanbo
10:00-10:20 The contrastive analysis of synoptic situation and Doppler radar data upon two intense tornado cases
Yao Yeqing
10:20-10:40 Clear-Air radar Echoes: Interpretation with the high resolution LES Model
Minda Haruya
10:40-10:50 Coffee Break
Closing Session (Chaired by Prof. Ding Yihui)
10:50-11:40 General Discussion
11:40-12:00 Closing remarks
Prof. Nakamura Kenji
Prof. Li Weijing