Dr. Erik Kjaer Sorensen, Dr. Dai Huizhu and Dr. Zhai Panmao (3 senior international consultants of WED), Prof. Jens Carsten Hansen, Prof. Niels Gylling Mortensen, and Prof. Jake Badger from Denmark Risoe National Laboratory, Dr. Luo Yong (Director-General of Wind/Solar Energy Resource Assessment Center/CMA), Dr. Tao Shuwang, Prof. Zhu Rong and Prof. Yang Zhenbin had a discussion on December 12, 2006. After one week of discussion, they formed a development plan for "Wind Energy Resource Assessment and Capacity-building of Northeast China" in "Renewable Energy and Wind Energy Development" of China-Denmark government project. The main contents include, a)the research of mesoscale model application in wind energy resource assessment of China and Denmark; b) Danish experts gave the training of WASP model to Chinese technical staff to ensure the correct application of the model in China.
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