On March 9, Dr. Xiao Ziniu (Deputy Administrator of Yunnan Provincial Meteorological Bureau) and 9 relevent experts visited BCC. Dr. Li Weijing (Deputy Director-General of BCC), and Dr. Gu Wanlong (Assistant Director-General) welcomed them and introduced BCC science, research and services to them, also the climate and climate change track construction in detail. Dr. Xiao Ziniu talked about the construction of Yunnan Climate Center and Yunnan's geography and environment, the demand of climate and climate change products for the need of Yunnan economic development and new rural construction, and hope BCC to help and guide them.
After discussion and exchange, they fully understood the great significance of the technical reform, and would further strengthen cooperation and exchanges in future. BCC will further help them to strengthen the building of Yunnan Climate Center through BCC climate products, personnel training and exchanging visits. They also deeply studied General Secretary Hu Jintao's important speech in Spring Festival. Guided by the spirit of the speech, we should do research in global warming background and study climate change laws, improve service effects of climate and climate change, so that to make contribution to China's economic development and harmonious society building.
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