On 29 May 2007, the Seminar of BCC International Visiting Scholars was held in BCC. Supervised by BCC senior experts, the three BCC international visiting scholars have successfully completed their international visiting scholarship of BCC after three-month training and joint research. The seminar was held for them to summarize and report their studies and harvest.
During the seminar, Mr. Dhiraj Pradhananga, scientist from Department of Meteorology, Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, reported on “Statistical Analysis of Summer Monsoon Precipitation in Nepal and Relationship with Climatic Parameters”; Mr. Sajjad Saeed, meteorologist from Pakistan Meteorological Department and Global Change Impact Studies Centre, made presentation on “Multi-year Simulations of Summer Monsoon over Pakistan using BCC_RegCM1.0”; Mr. Abdoulaye SARR, forecaster from Direction de la Meteorologie Nationale du Senegal delivered report on “Muti decadal high resolution simulation over West Africa using RegcM3” respectively. Chaired by Dr. Yan Yuping, the seminar drew interest of nearly 20 experts and graduate students from BCC and CAMS.