In the afternoon of December 11, Dr. Bai Chunli (CAS Executive Vice President) visited Beijing Climate Centre, accompanied by Dr. Zheng Guoguang (Administrator of CMA) and Dr. Wang Shourong (Deputy Administrator of CMA). Dr. Dong Wenjie (Director-General of BCC), Dr. Luo Yong (Deputy Director of BCC) and Dr. You Youyuan (Deputy Director of BCC) expressed our warm welcome to Dr. Bai Chunli. Dr. Luo Yong introduced BCC development, achievements of professional building, scientific research, and service of climate and climate change; especially focus on the cooperation achievements and future cooperation plans between BCC and Chinese Academy of Sciences. He also expressed our heartfelt thanks to the great support of CAS. After the introduction, Dr. Bai Chunli visited Climate and Climate change Meeting Room/BCC.
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