The 2003 Annual Academic Meeting of China Meteorological Association was held on 8-10 December 2003 at Beijing S&T Auditorium. Totally 66 experts from NMC submitted papers to the meeting, in which 53 experts delivered the reports in the relevant sessions. Attached to NMC, the Climatology Committee and Hydro-meteorology Committee respectively undertook the session of "climate system and climate change" and "hydro-meteorological issues of Huaihe flood in July 2003".
Approximately 150 delegates participated in the session of climate system and climate change. About 90 experts were involved in the enthusiastic discussions on the topics of sea-land-air interactions, theory and methods of climate prediction, interactions among circles and layers of climate system, monitoring, inspection and cause of climate change, variability of Asian monsoon and impact mechanism, as well as the studies on climate system modeling.
Totally 66 delegated attended the session of hydro-meteorological issues of Huaihe flood in July 2003. The discussion mainly focused on the forecast methods of the rainstorms that caused floods in 2003, surface precipitation and flood forecast technology, flood disasters and countermeasures, forecast technology on rainstorm-caused geological disasters, technology on meteorology-hydrology-engineering coordination. The participants included not only the meteorologists but also the experts from departments of hydrology and electric power. The meeting facilitated the cooperation and exchange among experts from different field.
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