A meeting of special representatives of the leaders of the world’s 17 largest economies was held in Washington, DC, on 27 and 28 April 2009 as part of the preparations for the Major Economies Forum on Climate and Energy (L’Aquila, Italy, July 2009). The Russian delegation, representing President D.A. Medvedev, was led by Alexander I. Bedritsky, head of Roshydromet and President of WMO.
The representatives of the world’s largest economies discussed possible technological approaches to resolving the climate problem. They focused on technologies for adapting to climate change, including strengthening systems for the observation and prediction of extreme climate variability phenomena and reducing the danger of natural disasters. Initiated by the USA, the Forum, is an effective consultative process that will facilitate further progress in climate negotiations within the framework of the United Nations.
The President of the USA, Barack Obama, received the heads of delegation and held a brief conversation with Mr Bedritsky concerning the prospects for Russian-American cooperation on climate issues.
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