In the letter dated 2 Feb. 2010 from Mr. Yan Hong on behalf of the Secretary-General of WMO to Dr. Xiao Ziniu, Director-General of BCC, it is announced that the World Weather Research Programme’s (WWRP) Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) during its third session (Monterey, California, USA, 9-11 September 2009) approved the establishment of the Center for Monitoring and Assessment of Extreme Weather and Climate Events in Asia (CEEMA), and the Commission for Atmospheric Sciences during its 15th session (CAS-XV) noted the WWRP endorsement.
The main function of CEEMA is a)to collect and archive data and/or information needed for monsoon research, particularly for research on high-impact weather in the monsoon regions; b) to catalogue the said data and/or information and make available to researchers; c) to collaborate with and maintain links with other monsoon data archive centers; d) to maintain links to access and analysis software; e) to report annually on the status of their centers to the JSC through the Chair of the WG TMR Monsoon Panel; and f) to develop a web site and access portal for their center with the WWRP logo and a link back to the WWRP.
The WMO endorsement symbolized a new task is undertaken by BCC. The establishment of CEEMA will further improve the services of monitoring and assessment on regional extreme events.
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