Tentative Agenda of FOCRAII 2011
The Seventh Session of the Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring, Assessment and Prediction for
6-8 April 2011,
April 6 (Wednesday), 2011
Location:2nd Floor,
Opening Ceremony (09:00-09:30)
Chair: TBD
09:00-09:10 Welcome address by Dr. ZHENG Guoguang, Administrator of CMA
09:10-09:20 Address by Representative of WMO
09:20-09:30 Address by Dr. SONG Lianchun, Director-General of BCC
09:30-10:00 Group Photo and Tea Break
Session 1:User Interface Program —
Chair: CHEN Zhenlin
10:00-10:10 TBD
CHEN Zhenlin, CMA
10:10-10:20 TBD
Representative of World Food Program (WFP)
10:20-10:30 Sub-Group on Climate Applications and Services in RAII
Kiyoharu Takano, Coordinator, WMO RA II WGCAA-CAS
10:30-10:40 Role of climate information on agriculture
Ghulam Rasul, Coordinator, WMO RA II WGCAA-CAS
10:40-11:00 TBD
Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Civil Affairs
11:00-11:50 Discussion
Lunch (12:00-13:30)
Session 2: Invited Lectures (13:30-18:00)
Chair: Francis Zwiers
13:30-14:00 New ECMWF seasonal forecasting system 4
Timothy Nigel STOCKDALE,
14:00-14:30 Modulation of the Tibetan Plateau on the air-sea interaction over the
WU Guoxiong, IAP/CAS,
14:30-15:00 Climate monitoring - the need to make more of the basic data available
Phil JONES, Hadley Centre,
15:00-15:30 Intraseasonal variation of the Siberian-Mongolian High and seasonal predictability of the East Asian winter monsoon TBD
Chih-Pei CHANG,
15:30-15:50 Tea Break
Chair: Timothy Nigel Stockdale
15:30-16:00 Air-sea interaction associated with the climatological aspects and interannual variability of the onset of the South Asian monsoon
Ngar-Cheung LAU, NOAA, USA
16:00-16:30 TBD
Feifei JIN,
16:30-17:00 TBD
Francis Zwiers, EC,
17:00-17:30 Spring Persistent Rainfall over
Zhaoxin Laurent LI, CNRS, France
17:30-18:00 Interdecadal and Interannual Variations of the India-Burma Trough and Their Relationships with Climate Anomalies over Southern and Eastern
Song Yang,
Reception by BCC (18:30-20:00)
April 7 (Thursday), 2011
Session 3:Analysis of Impact Mechanism of Key External Forcing Physical Factors (09:00-11:55)
Chair: CHEN Lijuan
Invited Lectures
09:00-09:30 Experimental real-time MJO forecasting
09:30-10:00 TBD
XU Xiangde,CAMS/CMA, China
10:00-10:30 Some of the high-res efforts at GFDL
10:30-10:40 Tea Break
Chair: Harry HENDON
Oral Presentation
10:40-10:55 Impact of Snow Cover on Tibetan Plateau on Monsoon Onset
MA Lijuan, BCC/CMA,
10:55-11:10 Impact of Sea Temperature and Outlook
SUN Chenghu, BCC/CMA,
11:10-11:25 TBD
11:25-11:40 (About the impact of snow cover on
11:40-11:55 Impact of Polar Ice and Outlook
WU Bingyi, CAMS/CMA,
Lunch (12:00-13:30)
Session 4:Overview of Recent Climate and Climate Change (13:30-15: 10)
Chair: ZHANG Peiqun
13:30-13:40 Climate Events and Impacts over
13:40-13:50 Overview of Last Winter Climate over
Youngho Lee, KMA
13:50-14:00 About the heavy snow in east
Eunmi Kim, KMA
14:00-14:10 TBD
14:10-14:20 (About Changma(major rainy season in
Jun-Hyeok SON,
14:20-14:30 TBD
14:30-14:40 TBD
14:40-14:50 TBD
Bidya Ratna Shakya, Nepal
14:50-15:00 TBD
15:00-15:10 About the cold surge in Korea
Gilbong Kang, KMA
15:10-15:30 Tea Break
Session 5:Seasonal Climate Prediction of the Summer 2011 over
Chair: Baek-Min Kim
Invited Lecture
15:30-16:00 MJO Prediction and Predictability
16:00-16:30 Seasonal hindcast and MJO forecast
Bin Wang,
Oral Presentation
16:30-16:40 Seasonal Outlook for summer 2011 over
16:40-16:50 Seasonal Outlook for summer 2011 over
16:50-17: 00 Tea Break
Chair: Si Lin Hilda Lam Kwong
17: 00-17:10 Seasonal Outlook for summer 2011
PENG Jingbei, IAP/CAS,
17: 10-17:20 Seasonal Outlook for summer 2011 by using MME
Soo-Jin Sohn, APEC Climate Center, Korea
17: 20-17:30 Seasonal Outlook for summer 2011
17: 30-17:40 Seasonal Outlook for summer 2011
17:40-17:50 Seasonal Outlook for summer 2011
Jiyoung Kim, KMA
17:50-18:00 Seasonal Outlook for summer 2011
18:00-18:10 Seasonal Outlook for summer 2011 by using statistical Model
Yeon-Hee Kim, Kongju Univ., Korea
Dinner (18:10-20:00)
April 8 (Friday), 2011
Session 6: Operational Training (Asian-Australian Monsoon Prediction and Impact)(09:00-12 :00)
Chair: M. Rajeevan
09:00-09:30 New results on Long term observed variability of South Asian monsoon (includes results on decadal variability)
09:30-10:00 The interdecadal variability of E. Asian monsoon, undertstanding past changes (will also show some results on interdecadal prediction)
T. Zhou
10:00-10:30 Monsoon seasonal forecasting at the Met Office and some overview of interdecadal variability of Monsoon-Enso teleconnections
10:30-10:40 Tea Break
Chair: Song Yang
10:40-11:00 Modeling at MRI for climate variability and climate change
11:00-11:20 TBD
WANG Caifang, RTC
11:20-11:40 Progress of BCC Regional Extreme Events Monitoring System
11:40-12:00 TBD
Lunch (12:00-13:30)
Session 7: Discussion and Summary (13:30-14:30)
Chair: TBD
A summary of predictions on Asian summer 2011 climate will be produced together by BCC/CMA, CPC/NOAA, Hadley Center/UK, ECMWF, JMA, KMA and other NMHSs from Asia .
Closing Ceremony (14:30-14:50)
Chair: SONG Lianchun
14:30-14:40 Speech by representative of FOCRAII participants
14:40-14:50 Address by representative of CMA