Invited by BCC, Prof. Tang Youmin, Chief Scientist on Climate Prediction from Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Northern British Columbia, visited BCC and delivered lecture on “Super ensemble prediction and potential climate predictability”. Dr. Zhang Zuqiang, Deputy Director-General of BCC, and Dr. Wu Tongwen, Director of Climate System Modeling Division chaired the seminar. Nearly 20 experts from BCC, IAP/CAS and CAMS attended the seminar.
Prof. Tang’s report mainly focused on 1) introduction of new method in measuring potential climate predictability; 2) analysis method by using seasonal prediction multi-model hindcast data and major component of “maximum predictable information”; 3) comparison between potential predictable skill and real skill by using multi- and single model ensemble prediction results.
The participants made discussion with Prof. Tang on how to apply the methods. It is expected that the methods could be applied to the assessment inspection of BCC new generation of ensemble prediction model.