Total : 91
No Subject Year
1 Liu Xiangwen, T. W. WU, S. Yang, et al.,2015,Performance of the Seasonal Forecasting of the Asian Summer Monsoon by BCC_CSM1.1(m),Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2015, 32, 1156–1172. 2015
2 Xin Xiaoge, M.H. Zhang, X. Wei, et al.,2015,How much of the NAO variability is from the atmospheric coupling: results from an interactive ensemble climate model,Climate Dynamics,2015,44,781-790. 2015
3 Jie Weihua, T.W. WU, J. Wang, et al.,2015,Using a Deterministic Time-Lagged Ensemble Forecast with a Probabilistic Threshold for Improving 6-15 Day Summer Precipitation Prediction in China,Atmospheric Research,2015,156: 142–159. 2015
4 Nie Suping, Y Yan, O.Harauk, et al.,2015,Scale-Dependent Performance of CMIP5 Earth System Models in Simulating Terrestrial Vegetation Carbon,Journal of Climate,2015, 28, 5217-523. 2015
5 Zou, X. K., and F. M. Ren,2015,Changes in regional heavy rainfall events in China during 1961–2012.,Adv. Atmos. Sci.,32(5), 1-11,doi: 10.1007/s00376-014-4127-y. 2015
6 Zhao SS, He WP.,2015,Evaluation of the Performance of the Beijing Climate Centre Climate System Model 1.1(m) to simulate precipitation across China based on long-range correlation characteristics,J. Geophys.,Res-atmos (3.38), DOI: 10.1002/2015JD024059. 2015
7 Zhao SS, He WP.,2015,Performance evaluation of the simulated daily average temperature series in four seasons in China by Beijing Climate Centre climate system model.,Acta Phys. Sin,(0.624),64(4):049021. 2015
8 Chen Xianyan, Meimei, Ding Yihui, et al.,2015,The Impacts of Climate Change on Several Major Projects in China,,2015,11(5), 337-342.(in Chinese) 2015
9 Chang R., R. Zhu, Merete Badger, et al,2015,Offshore wind resources assessment from multiple satellite data and WRF modeling over South China Sea.,Remote Sensing.,7, 567-487. 2015
10 Wu Tongwen, L. Song, W. Li, et al.,2014,An overview of BCC climate system model development and application for climate change studies.,Journal of Meteorological Research,2014,28, 34-56. 2014
11 Jie Weihua, T.W. Wu, J. Wang, et al.,2014,Improvement of 6–15 day precipitation forecasts using a time-lagged ensemble method,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2014, 31(2), 293–304. 2014
12 Liu Xiangwen, T.W. WU, S. Yang, et al.,2014,Relationships between interannual and intraseasonal variations of the Asian - western Pacific summer monsoon hindcasted by the BCC_CSM1.1(m),Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2014, 31, 1051–1064. 2014
13 Zhang Jie, X. Wei, M. H. Zhang, et al.,2014,Climate impacts of stochastic atmospheric perturbations on the ocean.,International Journal of Climatology,2014, 34, 3900-3912 2014
14 Zhang Jie, L. Li, T.J. Zhou, et al.,2014,Evaluation of Spring Persistent Rainfall over East Asia in CMIP3/CMIP5 AGCM Simulations.,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2013,30,1587-1600 2014
15 Ye Dian-Xiu, Yin Ji-Fu, Chen Zheng-Hong et al.,2014,Spatial and Temporal Variation Characteristics of Heat Waves in China from 1961 to 2010,Advances in climate change research,5(2):66-73. 2014
16 Zhao SS, He WP.,2014,Performance evaluation of Chinese air temperature simulated by Beijing Climate Centre Climate System Model on the basis of the long-range correlation.,Acta Phys. Sin.,(0.624), 63(20):209201. 2014
17 Chen Xianyan, Zhou Bing, Zhong Hailing, et al.,2014,Climate Characteristics of the 2011 Spring Drought in the Mid-lower Yangtze Basin.,,2014,23(1):139-145 (in Chinese) 2014
18 Sun, Ying ; Zhang, Xuebin ; Zwiers, Francis W.; Song, Lianchun; Wan, Hui; Hu, Ting; Yin, Hong; Ren, Guoyu.,2014,Rapid increase in the risk to extreme summer heat in Eastern China.,Nature Climate Change,(IF: 19.181), 4(12): 1082-1085. 2014
19 Chang R., R. Zhu, Merete Badger, et al,2014,Applicability of synthetic aperture radar wind retrievals on offshore wind resources assessment in Hangzhou Bay, China,Energies,7(5),3339-3354. 2014
20 Wu Tongwen, W.Li, J.Li, et al.,2013,Global carbon budgets simulated by the Beijing climate Centre climate system model for the last century.,Journal of Geophysical Research,2013, 118, 4326-4347. 2013

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