Total : 453
No Subject Date
1 Prediction of precipitation and temperature for JJA 2006-06-01
2 Meeting with End-Users 2006-04-08
3 FOCRAII 2006 opened in Beijing, April 6, 2006. 2006-04-07
4 The Final Program of the Second Session of the Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring, Assessment and Prediction for Asia (FOCRAII) 2006-03-30
5 The Second FOCRAII local information 2006-03-30
6 WMO endorsed the proposal of China to establish an East Asian Monsoon Activity Centre in Beijing in CAS-14 2006-03-17
7 The Program of Second Session of the Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring, Assessment and Prediction for Asia (FOCRAII) 2006-03-15
8 Second Session of the Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring, Assessment and Prediction for Asia (FOCRAII) 2006-02-21
9 FOCRAII Pre-registration Form 2006-02-21
10 FOCRAII Form for Hotel Reservation 2006-02-21
11 Climate in the World during October 2005-11-17
12 Pentadly mean SST and its anomaly in August 2005 2005-09-09
13 The Fourth Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling for Monsoon System 2005-08-11
14 Major Weather and Climate Events in June 2005 2005-07-20
15 climate in the world (June 2005) 2005-07-14
16 Monthly SST Monitoring(June 2005) 2005-07-12
17 UK-China workshop:The Impact of Climate Change and Extreme Events in China 2005-07-11
18 Seasonal rains flood Bangladesh, India 2005-07-07
19 Overseas Severe Calamitous Weather and Climate in June 2005-07-04
20 Breaking the Maximum Temperature Record, the Europe Encounters Torridity and Drought 2005-07-01

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